Conservative Leaders: AWOL for Midterms

Look around and ask yourself where conservative leadership is hiding.

Dems have their strong national ground game in place leaping to respond at every issue. As always.

Where are the conservative counter actions?

They do not exist because there is no national ground game, no organization, no grassroot effort of any kind.

This is a critical midterm year and conservative leadership is sleeping through it surrendering the public stage to Dems just like they always do.

Donate to Democrats or their foundations and you get instant response and media action for every issue. They have teams ready to go, buses to transport, activists on call, printers making professional signs and local leaders hitting the bricks to agitate the hotspots. They have rallies with free hot dogs from union sponsored grills.

Donating to conservatives and their groups get you wealthier conservatives and letters and emails asking for more cash.

You do not get any effective action.

In Obama years, the liberal leadership and politicians were everywhere holding press events, public rallies and energizing the masses to support the administration.

Conservatives are not doing any of that for Trump. Quite the contrary. When not blatantly backstabbing voters by refusing real repeal, dragging their feet on the wall or chopping up the Trump tax reform they are criticizing his agenda on TV and radio.

And still they do not lead the supporters of their own side to action as responsible citizens.

Do they hope to win a fight they do not show up for?

Or are they just cashing in and running away like the 41 Republicans now fleeing Congress while they have all the DC power?

The one time the GOP and their media friends got behind REAL activism was during the Tea Party days. That movement was reigniting actual constitutional patriotism and members were beginning to read the work and words of our Founders as they rediscovered basic American principles.

Conservative voters began to realize power of the People meant if a party ignored us, we could replace them. This was beginning to threaten the GOP, so politicians, national radio stars and their establishment machine went to work co-opting the Tea Party into a GOP faction, then they destroyed it.

They had created a monster that was putting actual patriotism above the GOP establishment and that is NOT allowed.

They spent decades and many dedicated their lives building a cash cow crony establishment. It had to be saved.

Now they are fighting to preserve it against a Constitutional Patriot President who has pledged to drain the swamp.

That swamp is the lifeblood of what modern conservative leadership has morphed into.

That means conservative leadership must pretend to support Trump, but not actually take action to do it. Especially not in the inspirational activism Democrats lavished upon Obama.

Watch them work with your full BS filter in gear and you will see they talk support, but do not show it.

Where are the packed rallies Hannity, Beck and others cashed in on during Tea Party days? Do you see the same for Trump and patriotism now that the GOP has full power and is facing a tumultous midterm season?

Do you see them doing anything at all to capitalize on the Trump energized voting base as a risky election inches up on us?

No. But they sure beg for a lot of donations.

Where are the conservative media calls to Drain the Swamp in midterms by backing non-establishment candidates?

They don’t exist. National GOP radio stars and party bosses are all in for the establishment choices groomed to be next generation swamp rats.

We are not picking who we get to vote for, the machine is doing that with their donor network.

That network is not Trump friendly and resents that we elected an outsider they cannot purchase.

It is time for every voter to use critical thinking skills. Every word you just read should concern you because the swamp has taken over conservatism.

The only solution is voters rising above it to be Constitutional Patriots as conservatives intended to be before the GOP absorbed them.

Too many calling themselves conservatives are now GOP first and Constitution second.

So don’t expect to see conservative leaders rallying for Trump.

Do not expect to see Hannity, Levin, Rush or any of the other “conservative stars” telling voters to reject swamp candidates or to put our Constitution over party and establishment control.

Do not expect to see conservative leadership inspiring patriotic activism or a resurgence of Tea Party style support for a President who finally walks his talk.

Conservative leadership is not doing any of it and will not start.

But they will flood you with requests for your donations.

We need a new party for Constitutional Patriots. Everything else has sold us out.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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