Trump: Leave the GOP

Enough is enough. It is time for Trump to leave the GOP. After all, they left us long ago and ignored our pleas to hear us.

Here are the facts: They started the obscene demand for the Soviet Party Loyalty Pledge simply to make Trump look bad during the early campaign debates.

As soon as Trump clobbered them, they all abandoned their promise just to shaft him, the same as they do to voters after every election.

Leave them now, we owe them nothing!

The GOP has shown their first priority is preserving the Democrat/GOP Coalition of Entrenched Corruption; their second priority is doing whatever they damned well please while lying to us as they step to serve their cronies and the mega donors who own them.

Leave them now; let us see how long their cronies and donors hang around once the GOP has no power over voters.

The GOP has a long history of eating their own as they fail to battle Democrat socialists with the fury they attack each other and us with.

Leave them now, let them die off in the ensuing bloodbath of blame games and backstabbing as each accuses the others of causing their downfall.

Trump met them halfway to fulfill their changing demands in his effort to unite those whose money handlers fear unity. He stepped up, did his part even as Ryan, Priebus, Cruz and a host of others found new ways to bring down their own nominee in an election season whose result will determine if America lives or dies.

Leave the GOP now; there is a price to be paid by traitors for helping the opposition try to destroy the man voters have chosen.

Armies of GOP insiders, officials, bureaucrats and media pundits are uniting with Democrats to call Trump unfit or of bad tempermant just because he tells it like it is. Trump is speaking for our Founders and for us, and that is NOT allowed. Let them howl alone.

Leave the GOP now; let them demonstrate their expertise by finding a new nominee who can win by November. Trump would secure more votes by getting their vile stench out of his camp.

The GOP is polling at over 75% disapproval among their own base. The Democrat/GOP Coalition in Congress has a 93% disapproval rating. Who are they to tell us who is fit or unfit? We are all sick of them; all of us in both worn out parties reject our own Congress.

Leave them now, their support numbers tell us no one is going to cry over their suicide.

They have watered down and sleazed up the ideals of conservatism by careless use of the term in referring to frauds and sellouts like Ryan and Cruz, and pundits such as Beck and Levin. None are constitutionalists, they are party club cronies first and America second and not one has loyal fight in them, integrity or a record of success. We can no longer permit ourselves to be associated with those who aggressively oppose us while ignoring our basic founding principles.

Leave them now and let them have their GOP cesspool for themselves. We have a nation to save for our families in honor of those who sacrificed so we can.

During 8 years of Obama tyranny, rule breaking, abuse of power, wasteful spending for lavish trips and play, destruction of our economy, insulting our allies, endangering our soldiers and VA vets, and efforts to divide our society in violent reactions against our police and racial groups, the GOP has done nothing to use their power or patriotism to stop him. They say if we get a few more of their cronies elected THEN they will do something. We aren’t falling for it.

Leave the GOP now Mr. Trump, they have done us no good and have failed to balance Obama as our Constitution demands.

The GOP talks of accountability, but they never speak of it regarding each other. We believe in accountability. We also know that if we automatically bless them with votes to stop Democrats, we are not holding the GOP accountable. We are giving them a free pass as the lesser evil. We say a lesser evil is still evil and we can stop both now by acting like Americans and destroying BOTH old parties who brought us to this point of disaster. They are daring us to do it but it has to end sometime, let it be now.

They have mistaken our patience and decency for weakness and it is they who have become weak, too weak for us to preserve. We are Americans, when our patience is abused it is lost and ours is gone.

Cowards and the ignorant comfy voters may howl at the idea of a new party. Our Founders dealt with cowards and complacency too, that is not us. For them, no time is a good time for change but for us, change is long overdue. The changing world is watching America crumble and they are ready to divide the scraps. Why wouldn’t they be? That is where we are heading and they see it as we do.

Trump can stop it. He cannot do it alone as citizens sit on couches. Our Presidents are meant to be leaders who inspire us to unite in common, productive efforts they guide us through. He will need our help and support as much as we need quality leadership. That is America. Alone in busy lives waiting for a GOP hero to turn it around has brought us corruption and failure. The success of America has always come from our good people under good leadership, and that is something neither old party provides. They outlived their usefulness and grew to serve themselves just as our Founders predicted. The GOP is as much to be despised as the Democrat Party they now partner with against our nominee.

Our families depend on the decisions we make now, before November. The GOP is proving daily they are a very bad decision. WE own government, the parties own nothing.

We are Americans, once made great because of courage from defiant citizens united to destroy entrenched powers. What right have we to benefit from others in the past who did what we have not yet done when it is our time, our duty to do so?

The coward wing of the GOP voters will not wish to leave. They are too defeated, too submissive to be of use to their nation when it matters the most. Like the Tories of our Revolution, they will submit until stronger, wiser Patriots carry the burden of liberty and justice. We are eager to carry our share.

Consider this, they call themselves conservatives while they only seek to conserve a party that does not serve or want them. Decades of GOP failures taught them nothing while we know they stay blind by choice.

They wait for a hero to emerge to save them so they can merely vote, cheer then claim a victory won by another. Absent in battle but ready to lead the parade. Staunch GOP conservatives do nothing; they make excuses for inaction and resent being asked to step up. The American story is one of success for all from the efforts of strong, determined citizens in action. The fate of us all relies on the efforts of each; we are only effective when in action for a cause. Waiting for GOP heroes has been lazy dreams, not a cause. Yet they still prefer it.

America owes no able bodied citizens a life of comfort they will not earn. They have no right to survive by what others have done. Our world does not owe GOP couch conservatives a free republic of justice just because others earned it when it was their turn to do the real work of liberty. They have no right to survive in freedom because others in the past did their part when it was their turn to do it. These GOP benchwarmers act as though they have a right to a nation and lifestyle someone else must provide them with.

The world does not work that way and our nation is in distress needing the care, action and unity a strong leader can awaken. Trump has the message; he just needs to separate his team from the united parties of corruption that oppose him.
The Tea Party proved voters of both parties would meet in the middle for liberty bringing independents and non-voters along. We saw the GOP absorb and destroy that effort.

Trump needs to avoid that mistake.

Leave the GOP now! America will go with you.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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