ObamaCare Repeal Truth Voters Need to Know

Here is truth about ObamaCare repeal the media, liberals and conservatives want you to forget about.

No repeal proposed unravels all of the ObamaCare fiasco.

Recall when we fought original passage of ObamaCare? Opponents insisted it had such far reaching tentacles it would grow government and weave its way through our system so deeply it would be nearly impossible to remove by a future Congress.

We were right in that prediction.

When ObamaCare launched, one of the biggest complaints was that the entire laundry list of liberals dreams was thrown in. We all said it.

Now the GOP acts like it was just an insurance bill as they stumble around trying to keep and tweak it

A great deal of ObamaCare legislation had nothing at all to do with healthcare but no one including the Freedom Caucus says that today.

Over 10, 000 new IRS employees were hired to implement it. Not one is fired by any repeal bill proposed.

Approximately 150 new agencies were started and completely staffed by the ObamaCare bill. Office space leased or purchased, computers, phones, light bills, water coolers, wages and salaries, increased federal contracts for maintenance, communications etc and not one bit to be stopped or removed by repeal. Why? Because Team Obama was evil, but brilliant. After creating all the growth under ObamaCare, the control and budgets of all this expansion of powers was transfered to other existing departments such as the Dept of Energy, Education, IRS, Homeland Security, Veteran’s Administration and many others.

No repeal touches any of it because it was all moved.

Congress and pundits won’t tell you that, huh?

For instance, the entire college student loan program was shifted to federal control under the guise of ObamaCare. Repeal doesn’t touch that. An enormous federal database linking census data, all of our personal info such as court records, health, finance, employment, marriage and family, education and much more was created under ObamaCare, So feds could reach the smallest detail of each of our lives. This was an unconstitutional growth of reach and power against our freedoms.

No House or Senate member will even mention that. They want to keep all of it. That is why they ignore it all hoping we forget what we all spoke of eight years ago.

I could go on, but the point is made. Repeal only affects insurance policies and some healthcare issues. The ObamaCare legislation went very far beyond that and still, no one cares.

The entire House and Senate is guilty of blatant omission because they are well aware of but silent about these inroads on our freedoms and expansion of federal powers.

Now their fans look the other way pretending the Freedom Caucus or conservative showboats are honest about shoving the ObamaCare oak tree back into the freedom acorn.

Now why are the GOP RINOs and conservatives conveniently ignoring the whole truth?

Because Trump has been keeping promises. And he promised to drain the swamp, expose corruption and prosecute the guilty. This is something neither party wants. Donors want ObamaCare kept and tweaked so Congress hears them, not us.

Why do you think hundreds of GOP congressmen ALL failed to have a decent repeal plan ready? Why did they fully fund it every time Obama asked? Why did they ignore the bribes and crimes used to pass it in the first place? Why do the conservatives say they oppose Ryan being a RINO then turn right around and unanimously vote to keep him in charge?

Yes, ObamaCare was the largest government expansion, power grab and intrusion on freedoms in history.

Unconstitutional by process and reach.

And liberals, RINOs, conservatives and socialists are united in trying to help us forget it while they pretend it was just an insurance bill. And they don’t even want to repeal THAT part, either.

Yes, they are all in on it and Trump is alone in the swamp.

All of Congress and their party media is misleading us.

The worst part is America knows midterms are coming, but voters have no intention of doing our part to drain the swamp. All but a tiny handfull of these congressmen will be re-elected. The swamp is completely safe and they know it.

ObamaCare laws, growth and powergrabs are here to stay until voters dump these unconstitutional parties.

As for the insurance segment of the mess….they are going to eventually try to sell us on Keep & Tweak.

Because no one is even talking about an honest repeal.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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