Hillary-Putin Collusion vs Trump

Russians are now colluding with Hillary/Obama Dems to dismantle the Trump team. They are scanning every diplomatic and and governmental channel in Russia to discover any contact with Team Trump personnel and feeding it to US media and Democrat operatives in cooperative efforts to weaken or destroy Trump.

Think about it. Nothing else makes sense. Remember who these people are. Remember there are no coincidences. Then remember the truth is always found in what we are not being told.

Now, do you not think it is strange the only Russian communications “discovered” are with key Team Trump members?

Singling them out one by one and picking them off piecemeal.

Do you not wonder how these communications are uncovered and somehow always make it to liberal media or Democrat whistleblowers? Who is on the other end of the whistle?

Did you know the Russian citizens were going crazy on a Trump fad before the election and absolutely giddy bonkers after he won? Truth. Russian citizens have been mesmerized by the prospect of a hero rising from the People to challenge old powers, kick ass and take charge to restore the People to rightful power. That type of story is political porn to the people of Russia.

You must know that is Putin’s worst nightmare.

Big Vlad Putin cannot risk that emotion building a dream on his watch. The risk is too great, the potential too dangerous.

So Putin needs to stop it but he is powerless to control US politics. A man in that position needs friends. Who ya gonna call? Trump Busters!

This is when being connected counts. Having friends like a former President caught on a hot mic saying he could be more flexible after the 2012 election. The ex-President whose Secretary of State showed up in Russia gladhanding and bragging of “Hitting the reset button” with Russia-US relations. Who then made a shady deal behind the curtains to supply the Putin nuclear weapon production process with a large amount of our uranium they sorely needed.

Who then watched Syria grow into a civil mess under inexplicable misteps by the Obama Administration. And while America had been the perennial superpower of influence in the region suddenly we backed out and turned regjonal influence over to Russia who is still there and running the show.

What other highly unusual links are yet undiscovered between the Obama posse and Putinland? The missile sheild we promised Poland got killed in a glaring show of abandonment which left NATO in the lurch. Crimea and Ukraine were abandoned by the Obama State Department under Hillary, Obama and Kerry. Why all the pro-Kremlin policy shifts that destabilized regions and alliances?

And now, after Hillary loses, Trump wins and the Russian people erupt in Pro-Trump! glee suddenly Democrats can’t stop talking of a Trump–Russia connection… when the old Democrat Russian connection is documented history?

It looks more like someone is running scared, afraid of what may be uncovered by this new Administration everyone assumed would never exist.

Has the whole world forgotten the Democrat tactics developed under Bill Clinton and used ever since called Accuse the Opposition of Whatever You Are Doing? How many times have we seen it?

Something is very very wrong about fhe Russian relagkonship to the Obama Administration and Hillary /Kerry who ran his State Dept. And the State Dept and other bureaucracies are loaded with bitter festering Obama team players who are America hating socialists harboring a visceral hatred for Trump and his goal to reestablish American greatness against their dreams of a globalist utopia they were on the brink of achieving.

Yes there is a Russian connection to the US government. Team Trump better dig these rats out fast and discover whatever it is they are afraid will be found. If you have any doubts read this again and find a flaw in the logic. When that flaw is not found please share this because Trump needs help shutting this down. We have to expose these people. We knew something smelled when Democrats would not let it go.

This is it. Trump is in their way . Everything Obama-Hillary-Putin-Kerry worked on is at risk . Serious crimes may be discovered. The US Democrats are getting ooutside help now because if Democrats had the intel they now use it would have come out in the election. Democrats are getting Russian help,  embedded OObama ureaucrats are assisting and the American media is playing an active role in this collusion. The world and our President need to know we see what is happening and we demand the Democrat – Russian links investigatd quickly and guilty parties prosecuted to the fullest extent of our laws. Democrat corruption can no longer go unpunished.




Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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