Obama End Game: While Campaigns Distract a Nation

We are obligated to watch campaigns closely but we cannot let our guards down elsewhere. Obama, his treacherous cohorts and all of our enemies know when the elections are too and they are acting to close the game before time runs out. The worst part will come after the elections when Obama is free to act without a modicum of restraint.

Meanwhile the pieces put into play in various arenas are beginning to congeal in to a growing mass that indicates real problems for America and the world long after Obama is gone. These people are not stupidthey are evil. They are not clumsy fools who do not understand, they are dangerous planners who hate all that we stand for and in this, the final quarter of their game they are setting up plays to win as the clock winds down. And no one addresses it; they are doing it in the open and getting away with it.

Consider first what we know as obvious truth then assemble the rest. This is starting with the corners and edges of the puzzle and filling in the center. We know there has long been a plan by nefarious powers to join governments into a New World Order For those at the top controlling the function, wealth and associated powers afterwards that effort offers mind-boggling wealth and power. First the resistant nations must be positioned to where the plan cannot be stopped. Agreed?

Next consider Obama and those in his inner circle have long expressed contempt toward the U.S., our traditions, our success, our freedoms, our rights, and our long standing position as a great military superpower who outlasted all whose rank could challenge us.

Now we see our military purged of patriotic commanders whose replacements were selected under the guise of equality, justice in opportunity and social conscience. None of them have the skill, patriotism or experience to lead in great calamity. The nuclear weapons teams were specifically targeted for purging as flaky charges, personnel transfers and team restructuring went through the same process to achieve the same result by re-staffing with hand chosen people. Chosen by those working to neuter our capabilities. By mistreating our veterans, instituting dangerous Rules of Engagement that set our soldiers up as targets, deploying without any kind of strategy, using our military to build infrastructure for people who hate us and will wind up destroying it all, forcing acceptance of openly gay troops, suspicious accidents killing prized Seal Team members, locking veterans away from memorials out of spite and hundreds of other insulting or damaging acts our forces are being deliberately and systematically abused and demoralized. Agreed?

At the same time advanced weapons systems are killed in development, battle proven aircraft and ships removed from service. The old standard of preparedness which dictated we are capable of assembling for full scale war in at least 2 theaters has been abandoned and dismantled.

As all of this takes place what have our enemies been doing? Far too much. How many of you recall the Wall Street Journal interview with a top Chinese General back in 1982 who said they had begun a 30 year plan to transform their nation from a sleeping bear to a world power? He stated then they would modernize infrastructure, become a manufacturing powerhouse, challenge our economy by replacing our dollar and build a powerful new high-tech military and the United States would pay for all of it. People laughed at the time, a rich chinamen had a new bike. I took it seriously because China has been doing such things for 2.000 years and they plan well and work their plans. They are highly disciplined, intelligent and capable people. And they almost made it within the 30 year time frame.

Now they are building an island air base out in the Pacific at a record pace. They still have eyes on Taiwan who we have promised to protect. They have been staging war games learning to operate jointly with Russian forces for about 12 years now. Chinese and Russian subs have been discovered in the past year mapping and shadowing our undersea communication cables that link us with our European allies and others. Discovery of enormous oil reserves in the arctic has Russia and China both wanting to control the drilling in our backyard which would require them controlling real estate on our continent. They want it and need it badly. A single missile was launched off each of our coasts about 5 years ago. Just one each and not armed or targeting but each was launched from under water, right off our shores and we never knew who did it, what type of sub was used, when they came in or how they left. We were blind to them and that was a test run.

Our military, banking, commerce and communications are all now dependent upon our intricate pattern of satellite routes criss-crossing our heavens beaming data around the world in an incredible marvel of technology. They key to operational reliability is they stay on precise paths keeping them orbiting in patterns that provide our unbroken net of communication. The guidance systems of those satellites have been hacked into every time they are upgraded. Hackers get in, figure how to breach security barriers and go all the way to opening guidance programs ready to be steered off coursethen they halt and back off. The time is not yet, it is an act of maintaining the readiness for the GO command. You decide why this is done.

Meanwhile we all know about islam, the Mid-east and how well that is all going. Obama has completely shifted powers over there by starting with the GW groundwork then morphing it into plans that have removed regional powers exposing it all to subjugation by determined radicals intent upon creating the enormous caliphate they have long dreamed of. Iran is a major player in the action including assistance to the enemies fighting and killing our own beloved soldiers. In response to their action Obama has committed treason by aiding and giving comfort but our Congress including 3 seated Senators running for the WH refuse to stand and call this treasoneven as our soldiers face incredible increases in danger by Iran using funds we gave them so they can pay for the fighters we face. All 3 Senators should be removed, not promoted. All of Congress has ignored this treason which is very dangerous to the troops they pretend to care about.

Next to Iran we have Syria and Russia was handed control by Obama even as they insult him and publicly make claims to the arctic oil we also claim. Russia in Syria and friendly with Iran gives Putin access to Mediterranean ports for naval use if or when he seeks it. This permits unprecedented naval threats to our NATO allies. The first problem for those allies was the immigrant flood of refugees who walked their way into Europe instead of the short route to havens they could have demanded in the nearby Russian rural zones. This was purely an invasion and we see the results as attacks are escalating in peaceful cities and women in many nations are now being gang raped by teams of newly arrived Islamic immigrants. And now phase 2 begins as Obama clears the way for the same people to come here and begin doing the same things.

Let us not forget our economy and markets. These people are hitting us on every front but it seems the pain is slight when the scalpel is sharp. While our debt was exploded by every possible means our jobs are ignored. An entire generation of young Americans, those we proudly claimed we would save the nation for, are struggling to build lives in a nation with dwindling opportunities. Oil prices forced down by Arab producers because we were developing successful alternative supplies. Ethanol, fracking, bio-fuels were all reducing dependence. Now the prices crash so our new American sources are broken, ruined and put out of operation because of production costs. When they are removed just watch how Arab oil then skyrockets free of competition. No American investors will be willing to make a second run at alternatives after being crushed in this scheme. We are being manipulated into dependency and Obama and Congress are letting it happen. Obama may have helped orchestrate it.

Let us not ignore the social strife, tensions and division our Nobel Peace Prize recipient has fueled in our neighborhoods at every opportunity while leaving borders open to criminals and drugs which now saturate many major metro areas, if not all. There is no avenue of damage, decline or subversion available that this Administration has not exploited to our detriment and the strengthening of our enemies. And Congress does nothing. Three Senators running for the White House will only mention the parts they think will benefit them while each violates their oath of office by ignoring treason.

What will the result be? I will not try to guess. I will not even write about what may take place as Obama, his circle and world powers prepare for the final days of the opportunity the Obama presidency provides for all who seek a final blow against America and our allies. You decide. You ponder what transfers of top military secrets will (or are) take place as they all prepare to leave. Do you trust these people to just walk away and not take data or create access pathways back into sensitive systems? How will China, Russia and Iran make use of the time that remains? Do you think they missed considering the possibilities? I guarantee you the issues we all talk of today are not going to be those in our minds in November. Watch what happens as spring and summer roll through America as the world heads there with us.

Yes we have the drama of campaigns, promises from pansy politicians, outrage from outsiders and Americans debating minutia and fodder from the stumps but what is coming together while we are looking over there? Ill guarantee you Obama could not care less about the election; his goal is to make sure it is too little, too late.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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