Campaign 2016: Who Sacrificed Fought or Died For THIS?

FB_IMG_1452450894872-1Two days after the first contest to determine who will become earth’s most powerful world leader the talk of it sounds like bar talk about fantasy sports teams. Who can do this or that, that one has this angle but the other one has this trick up his sleeve. Oh look! They came up with dirty tricks and scored a few points. GO TEAM!

This is not how wise citizens elect important leaders while those who depend on us to get it right deserve our best efforts. This is not a game and if we fail we do not just swap a quarterback, hire a new coach and hope the new team gels after a year or two. If we fail the world will suffer, economies crash, retirements are lost, futures are ruined, borders can change and people die.

No matter where media focus goes, no matter what drama and games produce the best ratings the races are not about parties or false heroes. We are struggling in troubling times to advance a leader who will step into a job that will shape the future of our nation and a world that needs guidance. The squabbles of media ratings, donor influence and party machinations are games on the fringes that distract from the critical issues of the decisions American voters are responsible for.

We must rise above the drama and disturbances served as a stew of selfish agendas and ground our actions on the best interests of those who depend upon us to be wise, disciplined stewards of the future. The daily dramas, hero hunting and carnival atmosphere of the current campaign season belies the critical nature of an election in the midst of changing world order.

Thank God we are Americans; this is no time to be anything else. Even now as much of the world is in confusion, fear or even chaos things still go so well here many Americans dont realize the gravity of the global situation or the totality of the problems lurking under our own rug. This is nothing new either so dont fall prey to the notion anything is worse now, people are dumber or more blind than in the past. People are just people; some pay attention but most dont and prolonged periods of good times and comfort produce carefree citizens more focused on luxury, entertainment and leisure than taking care of business. America has been here before and something about the nature of Americans always come forth when needed to take care of challenges. No one rolls up their sleeves and takes care of business better than we do but we sure as hell better have the right leaders when that time comes, especially in the White House.

We choose our leaders, or we are supposed to but big problems have grown in the system.

How many voters even take time to think about how we became able to vote? We take it for granted but voting in America was never to be like the voting we see in other nations. We do not vote because we were born here, we vote because of others who were born here.

We vote because a farmer named Isom Welch had guts and faith in God that the feelings deep in his being were correct. His wife had lost a stillborn baby, he had crops in the ground and knew his wife and surviving children would face starvation if crops failed. He knew his weakened wife could not harness horses in the winter and take the children to town in emergencies or just to buy food supplies on credit but Isom left them. He left because a King sent professional soldiers to make Isom and his neighbors do whatever the King said, from 3,000 miles away. The children of Isom Welch were going to have a leader next door they could talk to and protest against or Isom was going to die trying.

The army he thought he was joining was not much of an army. He and those who fought beside him used their own guns or whatever they could gather after a battle. They wore their own clothes and were months behind on pay they hoped to send back home. Winter struck, and on the run their army left no tracks pressed into earth, the British followed the trail of blood from their feet wrapped in rags chopped to bits by frozen roads.

Winter is now. Take off your own shoes and go walk a mile thinking of them who walked 20 a day then fought so you can now vote. The sons of isom Welch voted but Isom never did. On sentry duty guarding camp during a fierce storm his emaciated body had enough. The guard sent to relieve his watch found him frozen in place. History did not record what became of his family; we dont even know where he was buried. His unmarked grave may be under a driveway in New Jersey or bulldozed for a shopping mall. Isom was one of many and I am deeply grateful to them all. Isom was one of thousands, most are forgotten to history, all are forgotten to most voters today. Thank-you Isom Welch and thanks to your family, I hope they got by Ok. I still remember.

I cannot write here all such stories I know. Our Civil War where thousands fought 16 hours with friends next to them mangled only to sleep among the bodies when darkness fell. Sound asleep on their rifles to keep them from sinking into the mud of freezing rain only to rise and resume the mayhem at first light. Wave after wave leaving landing craft on Normandy Beach only to be cut down in the water or sand and now all but forgotten. So all Americans can vote.

We cannot comprehend or stomach the reality of our right to partake in the elections our current campaign season is leading us to. The heartbroken families, the terror and suffering of our soldiers, the dead whose marked and unmarked graves lie in lands across our planet demand our honor. The price paid to leave this responsibility to us deserves one helluva lot more respect, honor and integrity than we are getting from this circus of party games, slimy tricks and empty suit candidates parading across our nation today.

All speak of our Constitution and principles, they are unaware of or ignoring both. The likely choices groomed and elevated to candidacy through party and media machinations are not worthy of leading our nation born of blood from real Americans. I am not exaggerating when I say our Founders and greatest souls of history would imprison or execute our current politicians and candidates for what they do in their campaigns or days in office. Responsible Constitutional Patriots today can see the tragedy of corruption that dominates our process from Washington DC to the smallest precincts of county elections. They can see the obvious media manipulation of public opinion as credible news reporting is converted to agenda driven infomercials to benefit those in favor. Who in the hell ever fought, sacrificed or died for what we all see unfolding in the daily news of government or campaigns of today? Nobody…and we have our best wearing uniforms and sacrificing yet today because they still believe in the America all of us comfortable at home are charged with preserving for them. It is OUR TIME and OUR DUTY to do our part as others before us did when it was their time to step up, think and act.

It is well known that around 90% of Americans are completely disgusted with Congress, yet over 90% of them get reelected anyway. Now we learn 56% of Americans qualified to vote are disgusted with BOTH current parties, yet they feed us our only viable candidates—heavily funded by donors who will get exactly what they pay for.

Who died or sacrificed for this? No one.

How many Americans today know we only have our Constitution because our ancestors demanded the People must own and control American government from the bottom up, not the top down? Did your public school tell you that? Has your chosen media or party told you that?

Have they also told you our ancestors refused to accept our Constitution? True. They feared it was too easy for parties to take it over knowing that two parties always ruined nations by working together and serving themselves and cronies. Our ancestors said they would agree to our Constitution only if it had a Bill of Rights so we could throw out any bad leaders or party that served itself while wrecking our lives and country. Has any fake constitutional media star or candidate ever told you that? Of course not, they are cashing in because NOBODY TELLS US THAT! Now do you see why our best and brightest wont run for office and we get stuck with pansy lawyers, clowns and frauds? It is because we keep sticking with the parties that feed them to us. They choose the leaders, winners and losers with the help of media who is supposed to sound alarms instead of playing a role in party agendas.

How bad is it? We have a guy in Congress who told our Army they should not expand our base on Guam because more buildings could make the island flip over. He is paid $174,000/yr by you. Another in Congress asked a visiting NASA official if he brought pictures from when we landed on Mars. She is still there too. They will retire as multi-millionaires on your tax money. I have more of these stories but you get the point. These are the people our old parties let decide the important legislation that directs our lives, protects our kids futures and oversees command of the Isom Welches who wear uniforms ready to die for us today. How are any of us able to look each other in the eye and say we support the parties we now have that got us where we are today?

This is where we are. Our system is perfectly designed so we don’t let 2 parties wreck us because everyone used to know that is what happens. Now no one cares to tell us, few care to know and 2 parties are wrecking us. Is it any wonder we are only now past our first caucus and we already see corruption, dirty tricks, accusations of fraud, slimy lawyers, donors buying influence and a candidate who should be in prison while another should be on a fast boat to Russia? Who is in charge here? The People are supposed to be, we have the Constitution, the law, the rights and we just sit back and keep letting it be run by 2 parties we were told to dump when they turned bad. We are Americans and that means we always have exactly whatever government we deserve. We deserve the slime, criminals and poor choices we see in campaigns until we get rid of the parties that give us nothing else. Americans have forgotten parties were once a necessary evil to be replaced often, voters today let parties run wild even though our Constitution was crafted to give parties no protection. They are not even mentioned but our rights to destroy them are guaranteed. Citizens have a job to do here but refuse to do it, so decline continues.

Anyone who thinks they are patriotic then says they are a proud Democrat or Republican has no clue what our Constitution and patriotism is all about. You cannot cherish rights or Americas basic principles while standing in support of those whose existence depends upon ignoring those rights and principles. We should replace the parties and take back our Constitution while it is our time and duty to do it. No Constitutional Patriot can accept what the parties now do, why do you think they teach you to be liberals or conservatives instead of Constitutional Patriots? They are protecting themselves from what we should all be doing, firing them all.

It isnt difficult, our website is loaded with information on how to do it and anyone can understand it. We just cant do it until you are ready and only you can say when you have had enough. Our kids, our retirees and our soldiers sleeping in danger tonight need you to decide soon. Americans need to start acting like Americans again. We are not helpless peons of Republican and Democrat failures. Our Constitution protects us from them, or it should. They just keep forgetting to tell you that. Now you know. Tell us when you are ready to help Americans act like Americans, we need you.

Visit our website for a short 4 part series on the TRUTH about our history, Founders, rights and Constitution, being informed is the duty of Patriots. We also cover the most important events of our times with honest facts about how our Constitution applies to our lives today. We do it without bias or favor to either of the parties now united in hoping you will never learn what our Constitutional Patriot organization is committed to sharing with you.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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