Prediction: Midterms Bleak for Trump has a solid record of making the most accurate political predictions available from any source.

We have consistently beaten liberal TV and news outlets.

We have consistently beaten all conservative media including Rush, Levin, Hannity, Lou Dobbs, Ingraham – all of them.

All of the pundits telling fans the Democrats are broke and have no rising stars or message are wrong. They are wrong to say Dems are floundering.

Democrats always bounce back quickly, even if they have to steal talking points from the right. The DNC is almost broke but that will change. Meanwhile, Democrat candidates are rolling in cash that comes directly from voters and big donors. Democrats are adapting fast and they are dangerous for November.

During Tea Party days, when everyone was praising Ryan as the conservative Romney running mate, we warned he was a snake. We were right, but everyone slammed us for it.

The same is true of Cruz and Rubio. We warned, conservatives argued with us, but both are proven frauds and liars, as we said.

We warned for seven years the GOP conservatives and RINOs were lying about full repeal of ObamaCare. We were right again but we got slammed by conservatives for the seven years we predicted it. Trump was abandoned and all we got was Keep & Tweak, removal of the mandate while every other portion of the Democrat 2,600 page dream bill remains as law.

While conservative pundits and their fans loudly proclaimed Issa, Gowdy and others would bring us justice for Fast & Furious, the murder of Seth Rich, Lois Lerner IRS scandals, Benghazi, Hillary email crimes and more we warned from the start that all Republicans would put on a show then give them a free pass.

That is exactly what happened.

In 2012 we warned Romney would throw his election to Obama, so we fought to get Donald Trump on the GOP ticket way back then.

For the next few following years conservatives blasted us saying Trump was a New York liberal who fooled us and wanted to run with Oprah as his running mate.

Remember all of that nonsense? Cruz was the worst liar perpetuating that talk and early in the campaigns all of the GOP media pundits agreed. That is until Trump began to gain momentum and they could not stop him.

We said six years ago Trump would win in a landslide and serve as a Constitutional Patriot President and because we were the lone voice saying so we took a great deal of heat from angry conservatives.

Now the world knows who Trump is and how he follows through.

Now the world has seen the GOP is not behind him. Even now after so many bold improvements from Trump the GOP is shafting us on DACA saying they need a “bi-partisan solution.”

Why? Republicans hold enough seats to deliver a Trump solution with GOP support.

When did Democrats in power ever seek a two party agreement? Only GOP moderates and conservatives cave to the weaker party after voters have given them power to lead.

Here is our Constitutional Patriot prediction for 2018 midterms and this is not the report we wanted to be releasing:

Conservatives are going to be fooled into backing candidates fed to them by the establishment and right wing media cronies. Midterms are going to turn into a disaster for Trump because of it. Democrats will take the House and make DC a chaotic mess that cannot and will not govern as they will focus on damaging Trump. The GOP will let them.

In the looming campaign season, distraction after distraction will come from the left and conservatives will once again focus on each and every one of them as the parties manipulate the candidate selection process behind the curtains.

How do we know this? Because of history and current events. The pattern is well established and conservatives are falling right into the same trap the Democrats and establishment Republicans have been baiting them to since the early 1960’s.

Of course, it will happen. You cannot point to a single piece of evidence that conservatives have learned their lesson and are now awake, aware and working to avoid repeating past mistakes.

Watch how candidates are fed to GOP voters. Media and the party have full control over the choices and voters are bending to it.

Cruz is raking in lobbyist and establishment donor dollars, because he still fools gullible media trained voters.

Kelli Ward was heralded as a great conservative and received instant conservative support without proper vetting by voters. She is now in third place after falling from the lead but diehard conservatives still back her without asking the tough questions. They were told to back her so they do.

Meanwhile Sheriff Joe has stepped up to challenge her after huge sums of conservative cash flowed to Ward on orders from GOP right wing media.

If conservatives truly want to drain the swamp, why are they waiting for the swamp to find their midterm candidates?

Where is the anti-swamp conservative activism?

It isn’t there. For that reason and because of the 50 year history of watching conservative voters following orders from GOP media the midterms harbor danger for President Trump.

It is one thing for voters to shake their fists and declare, “We have Trump’s back!”

It is quite another to get them actively engaged in getting him the congressional support he needs.

Congress does not back Trump now. After 2018 midterms, they will try to shut him down completely.

This prediction will be proven true because there will be no change in how conservatives submit to the establishment during the critical campaign season.

Carve this prediction in stone. It will play out in an obvious series of events from now until election day.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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