2016-When Our Global Powder Keg Ignites

Screenshot_2016-01-10-12-55-18Back in ’08 many of us said Obama must not win or America would crumble so badly a new Revolution would be the only solution. Or surrender.

We saw the voter fraud and corruption in key states but the GOP has never done a thing about it. We will see more this year. Obama is a disaster but when my friends and I fought to remove him conservatives ignored us hoping for repairs in a future election.

Our warnings were right. Our enemies were strengthened and brought here while our military was shrunk and purged of patriotic commanders. Income has dwindled while debt piled beyond repair. Our enemies have gathered and grown while treason by Obama is ignored by the GOP. Scandal after scandal has rocked us while leaders are still not jailed or held accountable. Our money has been squandered on websites that don’t work, wars they don’t try to win and gifts to cronies via failures like Solyndra. A criminal who should be jailed now runs for President to replace another and the GOP treats them as legit.

Now we begin 2016 with corruption unchecked, enemies increasing attacks among us, the economy melting and war drums pounding across the planet.

It all could have been avoided. The hellish times we’ve seen in history will be ours now. Economic disaster, fuel shortages, great wars and social upheavals. This today is what others lived through as trouble came. Now we know what it’s like, we will know more.

We deserve it too and better now than pushing it off on the next generation. I am ok with it though it will be harsh and ugly. The world has always been so and nothing else will wake up America. We tried—it didn’t work.

One thing is certain, both parties are guilty as hell and when the troubles erupt we will have to destroy them as part of saving America.

People will be forced by circumstance to relearn what it means to be American, that is why us Constitutional Patriots created this site for sharing info and gathering like minds. Obama wants his legacy to be our downfall and the GOP is letting him get it.We are already beyond what an election can fix because voters still seek to treat symptom issues of bad gov’t instead of the cancer spread by 2 entrenched and corrupt parties. What comes starting this year is the price we pay for allowing it.

Prepare yourselves and those close to you for what history and news show us is coming. The momentum toward harsh reality now builds daily in national and world events and will have to climax as it has always done.

Beyond what we see you can almost feel it in the air…everyone can sense the turmoil is too broad and complex for an easy way out. Think, plan and pray because all disaster creates opportunity so watch for yours. These are the kind of times when nations find their great people and we will as America always has. This trouble will take a few years of global smoke before it is all settled but we will prevail. My hope is that people learn the next time parties go bad and begin to damage our country we throw them out before we get to what 2016 is going to become.

Every time similar things happened in our past America emerged stronger and better, we will again. So be it. I for one am ready for whatever it takes to fix what the Democrats and Republicans have done to our country and the world.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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