Iowa Caucus Results: Dems & GOP Share a Winner-Corruption

FB_IMG_1454452718726The results are in and establishment party picks win again. Hillary for the DNC and Cruz for the right wing of the RNC. Once again the world is awash in evidence that the best interests of America take a distant back seat to the machinations of party insiders whose sole ambitions are the gathering and preservation of power for the sake of power.

Power brings wealth in a system like ours and the wealth is easy to share among cronies and donors because the power that controls it makes the rules. Last night we saw how that plays out on game day.

Today we hear the usual cries of foul and demands for recounts and better rules next time. No rule changes or tighter control can repair our broken election process because those with the most to gain by corruption will still be those making the rules.

Sanders is complaining and demanding some re-counts. Good luck Bernie, you got the Iowa Shaft, better luck in New Hampshire. Bernie is spot on correct about party tactics used to limit his support. Several precincts were combined under roof in key locations where attendees were then heavily influenced by pro-Hillary activists. Rumors are circulating that voting slips were swapped out while being collected for counts. Maybe, maybe not, but corruption is so rampant the suspicions are not without precedent or merit.

Iowa media has been quite fair to Sanders in some regards but all national media, GOP & Dem alike, have empowered Hillary by inferring she is indomitable. This media influence sways the minds of voters or the press would not do it. It works and Hillary has benefited even as reports of criminal activities and possible prosecution build around her. As I write, this outrage still lingers in Democrat circles and we are hearing some count totals are mysteriously still not available.

On the GOP side, the run-up and game day were the dirtiest, most unethical stench filled antics to date.and all of the slime came from the final winner and his machine.

It is early in the aftermath to weigh the real results because after the dust settles the mood and reaction of the other 49 states will adjust based on perceptions of Iowa and how they are reported. One thing is very certain; Iowa was the real loser because our caucus system was once again proven to be a playground for fraud and manipulation.

Would it be different if another state became first in the nation? No, because the national party puppeteers would simply set up their traveling circus in the new location and put on the same show they have rehearsed and perfected. Corruption is in the minds and souls of those running the parties, it has no geographic restrictions.

Iowa was not the only big loser in the events of the evening, America and the most basic principles of our Founders took the biggest hit. Once again the entire purpose of our Constitution and Bill of Rights was cast aside as the dreams of our ancestors were neither present nor evident. Time after time after time our Founders warned us to NEVER allow 2 parties to become so entrenched. They had witnessed the corruption of the English Parliament and studied the histories of democracies and republics which had failed. The failures were consistently tied to party machinations to seize power for the sake of more power. They warned us that 2 entrenched parties would dominate the process to the detriment of our country. The focus of entrenched parties always becomes the furthering of self-interests and in our system self-interests, this includes the personal desires of those donors purchasing the favor of candidates. Our elections are no longer about who can best serve our nation but rather who has the best chance of rewarding those who finance the winners.

Our first protected right in our 10 Amendments was that of free press and free speech. It was chosen as the most critical because a well informed public was to be vigilant and wary of parties. To protect our nation, wise citizens needed to be informed and the press was to be the unbiased and patriotic watchdogs of our constitutional integrity. When parties and their leaders strayed from honesty and principles the media was to warn us and assist as the People protested, fought back and replaced the parties and leaders any damned time they decided it must be done. They did not expect our media to aid the corruption by aligning with the parties and fueling our downfall as their own self-interests co-mingled with party shenanigans.

Case in point: Today we see reports that caucus sites were inundated with record numbers of new voters registering or registered voters switching party affiliation to act as spoilers upsetting the intent of precinct residents. Many of the locations that actually ran out of registration were foremost, GOP caucus sites. A great many Democrats switched parties for the vote and will now switch back for the November election. They did so to dilute totals of the leading candidate and the impact produced a winner who would not have won an honest contest. Democrats want the Cruz nomination that will deliver a Democrat President, they had no other reason to put forth such a broad organized scheme.

It is foolish and corrupt that Iowa has such sloppy registration rules permitting this tampering. BOTH parties are in on it and modern media plays an important role in the scheme. The tactic is widely known as the Operation Chaos strategy, named by none other than the King of GOP talk radio, Rush Limbaugh. It was Rush who put great organizational efforts into promoting this blatant abuse of our process while Hillary faced Obama in 2008. I said it was wrong then and it is still wrong now. He was then and is still proud of it. I see widespread organized tampering of our election process as a national crime. Our Founders would hang Rush Limbaugh right alongside Obama, Hillary, Cruz, Levin and everyone from Congress who could not flee justice.

Everything about our parties, process and media involvement is precisely what our Founders tried to prevent with our Constitution. Those who died and sacrificed to create and defend our nation dreamed of a country of self government where citizens were our highest authority and things like we witnessed during the Iowa campaigns and caucus would never take place. Today we have candidates, their dumbed down supporters, corrupt party-loyal media and donors who finance fraud all uniting in glee as American principles and integrity suffered another huge defeat.

GOP crony media giants are spiking the ball claiming victory for conservatism. I agree, that is why I abandoned the modern conservative cesspool of party-first loyalties. Conservative and liberal strategists have adopted those labels because they do not actually mean anything and can be adapted to fit the changing political landscape as needed. They both claim to represent patriotic ideals and constitutional principles but neither conservatives nor liberals come close. Not anymore> Parties have morphed them into groups of useful idiots. If the fans of liberalism or conservatism respected our Constitution and were patriotic they would simply identify as Constitutional Patriots, not something else. The leaders who gather followers under those labels do so to avoid the genuine influence of our Constitution and the constraints it would threaten their cronies with.

Is there really any difference anymore between the stewardship of our nation under Democrats or Republicans? The only real difference is the path to our decline each chooses to follow. Both claim sincerity as they point out the shortcomings of the other guys, but each are equally guilty of all offenses they loudly accuse each other of committing. They will protest the flaws of the opposition then support one of their own with almost identical traits and behavior.

Cruz and Obama illustrate this contradiction perfectly. While conservatives railed against Obama, they complained he had no governing or executive experience, had no private business experience, no management or budget experience, no military knowledge or experience, no background in tax policy or management, no experience in creating or participating in foreign policy, no relationships with any foreign leaders, no record of accomplishment as a Junior Senator and no skill at developing political alliances necessary for success as a President. Now conservatives who screamed about all of this with Obama eagerly support Ted Cruz and ALL of the exact same truths apply to Cruz. The guy has no skill except bargaining with donors and ingratiating himself with GOP national media. Cruz and Obama are both merely media created messiahs with no track records groomed and advanced through the process by crony media and financed by donors buying influence. While conservatives whined incessantly about Obama’s questionable birth records, they eagerly attempt to advance a foreign born candidate whose birth is well documented.

Is it any wonder more and more genuine Patriots are refusing to call themselves conservatives anymore? The title no longer stands for anything, but party loyalists duped by media and accepting or denying any corruption that helps their choice win. The ends justify the means, just exactly like socialist Democrats. Today Rush Limbaugh is spiking the ball and gloating giving full credit for the Cruz score to conservatives as if Cruz is a genuine article. Because corruption helped his guy, Rush will not detail it. That is a party to corruption, not a patriot. The Rush tactic of Operation Chaos helped derail the legitimate outcome desired by Iowa voters and is a black mark on our process and history. Now that those calling themselves conservatives rejoice in undermining our constitutional free election process, they disgust me as much as any socialist and it began to happen years ago. Now the change is complete, conservatism is another enemy facing Constitutional Patriots.

Carson, Sanders and Trump have been screwed by establishment insiders and their crony mega-buck media; they are not going to take it lying down. Cruz is about to discover what it means to be on the front line of cheating Trump and Hillary is going to see Bernie with the gloves off.

There will be more to say about all this as the smoke clears, but the corruption and dirty work that delivered two winners can only be ignored by citizens with no morals or ethics who accept any sleazy behavior that gives their hero a win. Conservatives and liberals should stop attacking each other for a day or two and shake hands. They have too much in common to treat each other this badly.

We need a new party and some new media stars capable of reporting truth instead of being an active part of the problem. We need more Constitutional Patriots with integrity and fewer conservatives, liberals and the corruption they both rely on to circumvent our Constitution and basic American principles.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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