Political Anger is Destructive

Political hatred damages the cause.

When I was young our families, friends and co-workers who did not agree on politics could discuss issues with the civility of decent adults. It is up to each of us to continue that practice when and where we can today.

The problem is fueled by media and politicians. First they guide people to believe there are 2 herds, conservatives and liberals. That is far from true because each camp has a wide range of devotees with differing beliefs. Most Americans are not examples of what those labels imply.

The puppet masters then use these 2 generalized groups to pit us against each other for their own purposes.

Far too many from both sides fall for this. We see it daily as those on the left and right speak as if being under their label makes them a smarter person automatically superior to those under the other label.

Then the insults and condescension begin. This step is absolutely fueled by liberal TV and national GOP talk radio stars. Both tell us what the “other guys” are and how they think, why our side is so much better as human beings.

Those in the public who fall for this indoctrination have become a very nasty bunch of rude and divisive parrots incapable of discussing issues with anyone who does not agree with them 100%.

This is political correctness and so many liberals and conservatives are infested with it they hurt their own efforts without realizing it.

Cooler heads must prevail because hatred of our countrymen over political differences is not Christian and is in-American. Our U.S.was created so us citizens could master the responsibility of working out our differences and find the best solutions for all.

That is impossible to accomplish if brainwashed agitators refuse to debate facts preferring to insult each other with vile contempt.

We need to be the ones above that rejecting the political correctness of herd mentalities.

We have to be the ones who are astute enough to know winning in politics requires building numbers. You build numbers by convincing those on the other side to switch teams. No one is going to change their mind and switch to the team that is blasting them with insults. A person who is right can change minds using truth expressed amicably.

This is another great lesson from the Tea Party already forgotten. People from both sides can unite when common causes are identified and all are welcomed to a new effort.

The extremists from both sides are radical nuts deserving of being shunned. The more common majority of people who are not zealots are where we can help our cause by bringing them into the fold. When they are not happy with their side they will look at ours. We have to welcome them with logic delivered calmly so our message gets through. If they look us over and get the impression we despise them we will never convert them. That means our numbers cannot grow, their ranks will not be depleted.

That is not our goal.

Find the common ground with people from across the aisle who are willing to talk. Plant seeds of thought to nudge them our way instead of trying to beat them down with debates that raise battle flags.

America was a better nation when more people respected their fellow man and gave each a chance to be civil.

We can be that better place again if each of us leads by example when the opportunities arise. That is a big first step toward changing minds.

Become the representative of a better America others want to be a part of.

This is political activism anyone can be a part of.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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