The Sport of a Fake Trial Scam

Ok Sport Fans! The scripted phony trial is fizzling. As usual, the R&D political teams backed by their loyal partners in national media suckered the masses.

It’s our side vs their side! Who are our star players? Who do they have? What’s the next surprise play? Which batter up will change the game? What was the final score and highlights today???

The entire process was a display of dysfunction that became a top contender for All Time Embarrassing Failure to Govern. People who swear an oath to “support and defend” our Constitution fabricated a grandiose climax to three years of ignoring it.

If the majority of American people truly knew and supported our Constitution they would have forced this Congress to adjourn long ago. Instead, they absorbed the insults of this fiasco watching it as if it were a legitimate process of indeterminate outcome.

And people WATCHED this sucker scam with the eager fervor of sport fans gathered by the big screens for tomorrow’s Super Bowl.

I couldn’t stomach it. It was a monumental insult to our intelligence to conduct such an obvious sham and sell it to us as high function of responsible government. It was no such thing.

Every time I hit the live stream it was immediately apparent there was a fix in and the rest was just theater of tossing free drugs to political junkies.

The outcome was decided before the Grand Farce began. Recall how everyone was wondering why Pelosi would not deliver the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate? The swamp Uniparty needed the delay. The Senate could not sit on it while leaders cut backroom deals so Nancy did.

Notice how the media and political hacks tolerated the delay and moved on without ANY critical analysis of the machination behind it?

Anyone who has read my work for awhile knows I have a record of predictions no pundit can come close to. It isn’t magic, I just have a BS fliter they cannot shut off with swamp drama. I predicted the outcome of this fake trial and it is finishing EXACTLY as I predicted. It was easy to do, here’s how….

Never forget the two parties are mutually corrupt and do not serve us or our country. They manage the deep state swamp.

Never forget they do not want the true depth of corruption exposed on record with sworn testimony. Neither party will risk that because once those Dominos start falling the flood of convictions would destroy both parties and disable government. We would have to restaff DC from Congress to several top layers in our bureaucracies. Private citizens participating in profit schemes and “donor” bribery would go down with them.

OK, knowing that….and knowing Trump could not be removed….what outcomes are possible? Bear in mind, the Iowa Caucus kicks off hardball campaigning Monday. NOTHING is more important to them than reelection and harvesting the blizzard of dollars our four year cycle attracts.

The outcome? There can be only one. They had to provide a dramatic conclusion to justify the three years of expense, wasted time and hoopla. Hence, the trial.

They have to make sure no corruption is exposed under oath, resulting in charges and ratting out others in plea deals. Hence the deep state desire for no witnesses. National media party hacks easily sold this denial of justice to their respective herd thinker audiences.

This brings us to investigations that found no crime and a trial that isn’t a trial. We got dished up a soap opera of stuffed shirts dropping soundbites as they gather notes for the books several will write.

The outcome they decided on before beginning was a buildup followed by a close that will not clear Trump but will end. Like a checkmate. The swamp is safe. As always. Both parties can save face. Demonrats will say the GOP Senate shafted us. Republican’ts will say they prevailed in protecting Trump and our democratic election process.

This is not what our government is for. But, I guess it doesn’t really matter since half of our citizens ignore news. Much of the other half is so easily hypnotized by media they flock to these charades like moths bouncing off a porchlight.

I was happy to have several friends who clearly saw through this scam. It was interesting to see two who realized it was pre-planned and fake watched as much as they could. Neither fell for the drama or wasted time analyzing it but both were extremely angry about the abuse of power and misdirection of government that allowed this stage show to transpire.

The people behind and participating in this fake trial should be locked up for it. Their assets should be seized to cover the expenses taxpayers have been forced to bear. We voted to drain the swamp but it wins again and too many Americans are glued to the screen, cheering the players and analyzing plays.

Pro Sports has come to government with all the credibility of All-Star wrestling. At least with the wrestling most of the audience realizes it’s just phony entertainment. Every thinking American should be outraged that Congress is arrogant enough to insult us and our system in such a way.

Our Founders would be throwing ropes over tree branches, not cheering and howling from the bleachers.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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