Hillary ’20- Ego Trip to Disaster

Tucker Carlson had a guest on and did a segment about whether Hilldabeast will or will not enter for 2020. His serious demeanor left the impression Tucker feels this could be big news; possibly a game changer. It is not big news and a potential Hillary run would be a hopeless waste of time and money, if she actually would jump in. Tucker & friends should be telling you Hillary is politically dead.

Her time came and went. She lost her best shot to Obama in 2008, but it wasn’t Obama who took her down. The Democrat machine turned it’s all powerful focus from the scandal-ridden old war pony to the new generation unknown Senator. Once you’re thrown away by the machine, that’s it. You’re done.

Hillary found this out during her ill-fated run which resulted in Trump clobbering her as badly as he did the herd of boring Republicans he practiced on. As her 2016 campaign advanced, she could not outrun the scandals. Heck, she had moments where she could barely even walk including her infamous moment of stumbling out of her shoes as security stuffed her collapsing carcass into a waiting SUV limo.

Mistakes, her history, a lack of charisma, and failure to counter Trump’s sharp attacks combined to dismantle her campaign brick by brick. The big donors pay because they want a return after a win—so they began leaving Hillary as Trump sucked the air out of the room. They hung onto their donations (bribes) or dispersed sums into Democrats in other races. The Clinton campaign was doomed once astute watchers spotted this trend. There is nothing she can do now to win back the big buck machine she already lost once.

Rumors of health issues swirled around her 2016 race and there was real evidence something is not right there. Americans do not elect unhealthy Presidents. Especially after they’ve lost the big financial backers. That’s two strikes for Hilldabeast. One more and she’s out! But there are two more. Four strikes means after this article, I am done wasting time on her because she has absolutely no chance at all of being the Democrat nominee. Anyone who says or thinks she does, does not understand American politics or campaigns.

The two remaining strikes are the most dangerous to her. Here they are in no ranked order: New generation Democrats hate Hillary’s guts. Strike 3. Pretend she does jump in, Trump will gut her like a fish over her continuing crime spree and the possibility for some sort of indictment always hangs over her. That’s Strike three, version 2.0. The witch is dead.

Young Democrats have been taking over the party for 10 years as the generational changing of the guard builds the direction of Democrat focus for the future. They don’t want a has-been loser with a trainload of baggage and arrogance stinking up the room. Hilary, like Pelosi who’s been much more successful, is convinced she’s American royalty. Some elderly voters may agree, but her base is dying of old age and the younger Democrat voters have younger candidates they relate to more naturally. There isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell of Hillary ever being a threat to win the White House again.

When you hear poorly prepared news anchors and show hosts (radio & TV) discussing a Hillary run as if she could win, know they are wasting their time and yours. It doesn’t take a lot of analyzing to see how hopeless and outdated she is. I’m still hoping the big Hillary news for 2020 is indictments. More people would vote to see her go to prison than would ever vote to make her President.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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