#NEVERTRUMP? Because Some Enjoy Losing

Over the years Ive watched GOP conservatism morph and decline as decades of failures and bad choices became their legacy. It is no surprise the final act of their most zealous low-information radicals is to battle the first inspiring nominee their party produced in 36 years. Are they so conditioned to losing they fear breaking their pattern? What the heck is wrong with these people? How can they be so brainwashed by a couple of flakes in syndicated talk radio that they now revolt against the first chance at a landslide the GOP has had since Reagan?

History is repeating itself with conservatives. We had to defeat them to get Reagan in office and now we must overcome them to get Trump. My first foray into political activism was my volunteer efforts to help Reagan win nomination in Iowa beginning in 1979. Conservatives hated us, insulted us, belittled us and despised us. They said Reagan was a California nutcase who was a pro-union guy bent on destroying our economy. Conservatives said Reagan would launch a nuclear war, wipe out the dollar and give us new currency to favor his wealthy cronies and they claimed Ronald and Nancy would try to establish a monarchy as our first king and queen.

Once we beat them and Reagan proved himself, conservatives suddenly began to act like they had invented him, and they still act like that. If conservatives had their way Reagan would never have been nominated. Now they are after Trump with the same type of goofball panic they attacked Reagan with.

If Trump can accomplish one major goal, that is more than conservatives have delivered in decades, he needs his chance.

Times change, people change and the proud conservatism I was once a part of changed drastically. I don’t recognize what they’ve become and I know I did the right thing to leave when they abandoned me, our Constitution and basic American principles of standing your ground. Trump stands his ground, they wont admit it, but that seems to terrify conservatives. They keep saying he should change to appease others; they’ve gotten so good at bending for others they think everyone else should too.

We are done caving, we are done losing and we are done electing lying party hacks that promise one thing and deliver another. Conservative GOP insiders lie to get elected, then shaft us because staying in office and empowering cronies was their motivation for running in the first place. Trump is different. After spending a lifetime building a dream he now has grown children in his business and he has the first grandchildren that will inherit. He wants to keep America strong and safe for his family to continue to prosper, that is his motivation. Politicians run to accomplish their dreams. Trump runs because politicians can destroy his dream and he wont sit by and let it happen. He also has the spine and experience to do much of what he says. Trump has real skin in the game; he didn’t join the game to grow his skin there.

Now we see the vets, bikers, truckers and workers from suits to boots lining up behind him and I see America in action. Real America, Constitutional Patriots who know their rights and are stepping up to take control away from political establishments that got us in a mess that never needed to happen.

When Trump tried to use our Constitution to remove Obama before much of our damage was done conservatives cowered, mocked him and refused to help. They united with the liberal/socialists to preserve the Obama regime even as they whined about it. Conservatives talk big about our Constitution but when push came to shove and it was time for citizens to enforce it, Trump and Constitutional Patriots asked for their help and they folded. They have become a weak shadow of a once proud force and now they sit and whine saying #NeverTrump after decades of listening to them gave us no victories and the most rapid decline in the history of our great nation. Trump and Constitutional Patriots have risen to fill the vacuum of leadership success the GOP failures created as a playground for the bad guys. The GOP conservatives had many elections pass as they failed to deliver and now America has wised up and opted for Plan B. We have no choice because when we said we would save America on our watch, we meant it.

Passing this mess off to our kids is not something that will happen later, it has been happening for years as kids leave home without the great opportunities we had when we were young. Kids try, they go to college, pay too much for degrees then discover few jobs are there to fight over. They are moving back home in record numbers because liberals and conservatives have failed to preserve our economic engine as government regulations run amok and tax burdens rob our profits. These problems crippling our families dovetail precisely with the kind of life experience Trump has developed and can now bring to leadership. Protecting his own success and family’s future requires changes that protect and restore all of us. Proper application of our basic American principles and constitutional rights always were the solution to what ails us. Conservatives and liberals didn’t get the job done so America woke up and found someone who could. That is what American power of the people is all about.

So when you hear a small bitter group of media worshiping losers whining about #NeverTrump don’t get too bothered by it. Those folks haven’t succeeded at anything else; they aren’t going to stop us from getting a new leader to clean up the mess their heroes dumped on us. I am personally proud to be a Constitutional Patriot backing a candidate from the People, by the People and for the People.

We are going to fix this nation for our families in honor of those who sacrificed so we could whether the liberals and conservatives like it or not.


Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

3 thoughts on “#NEVERTRUMP? Because Some Enjoy Losing

  1. You need only look at the major #NeverTrump losers that will not attend the July Convention to show their disdain for Trump – McCain, Romney, Bush41. Bush43, Bush Jeb, Murkowski, etc. – meed I say more

  2. I appreciate this view of conservatives…It is true, the party has changed…I have voted every election since age 18….I remain disappointed as a patriotic woman who is tired of war, tired of failed Washington policies, tired of answering and supporting the red tape agendas which impose regulations on my daily life…tired of the constant drums which beat negativisms and focus on black vs white….I am ready for fresh air and positivity…I find them hard to find ….so, I will vote for the one who exemplifies both!

  3. Very well said. Although I was around for Regan, I was not very aware of what went on politically with the Republican party. You have enlightened me. Yes, it is exactly the same now. Will they wise up or lose their party?

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