Bizarre Bernie Caucus Day Busing

You think you’ve heard all about corruption in our campaign/election process? You’ve heard a bit but wait till you get through this one! We have heard the stories about coin tosses deciding winners in a few of the Iowa Democrat caucuses. That was the tip of that iceberg. We have heard similar stories out of Iowa about the sleazy Cruz tactics involving letters faked to look like official state correspondence and the Cruz/King tweets lying about Carson dropping out so voters should switch to Cruz. Those gained national media attention but there were many more dirty last minute tactics employed which never made the news.

The Iowa caucuses are supposed to be a state event run by the parties, not the state of Iowa. The state party apparatuses are the fronts for the process but the filthy tentacles of the national parties and those who are in cahoots with them reach right to the smallest precincts. These people come into states, set up ground teams in their existing networks and the national squads help the state teams learn the ropes of doing any dirty trick they can get away with. This is how bad the parties have become, corrupt beyond repair.

Now I have another story for you told to me firsthand by an Iowan who was inadvertently drawn into being a witness.

A young lady (22) and her boyfriend decided to walk the half block to the grocery store which is next to a strip mall. It was late afternoon on caucus day, the time when teams are gathered for final staging before moving out to the various precincts for game night. As the couple crossed the store parking lot near the front of the building they were approached by strangers. Not just strangers but a small cluster of immigrants who appeared to be Sudanese or Somali. Tall, slender, jet black, complete with the tribal pattern face scars and the latest in ultra-African fashion.

One man among them came forward to speak with the couple; he was holding a set of car keys out to them. Beyond this colorful cluster of confused looking souls was a Bernie Sanders campaign office. Parked in front of the office were 2 large Greyhound type charter buses surrounded by dozens of similar immigrants all dressed in their evening best. These people were gathered for a big night on the town.

The man with the car keys was looking at the couple and pointing around the corner repeating words the couple could not understand. Not trusting the situation the young man stepped forward a few paces to look around the corner as the lady reached into her pocket to get a hand on her taser in case using it became a good idea. There was a small car stuck on top of a parking lot median curb. They had driven right on top of it. The intent of the smiling mans jabbering was obvious; he was asking for help but couldn’t spit it out in English. The young American took the keys, maneuvered the car off the obstacle and got out leaving it running. The immigrant in charge jumped in the car, pulled into one of the lots roadways, shut it off and began walking to join his cluster, now headed towards the Bernie Sanders buses.

The young couple was in disbelief, they stopped the man. They tried repeatedly to explain, NO. You can not leave car here. This is road. You park in park spot.

The immigrant was smiling and nodding but obviously clueless, he held the keys back out to the American. The young man jumped in the car, whipped it into a spot and tossed the keys back to the tribal elder who had no business at all getting behind a wheel.

Off they went to complete their shopping.

Now, you tell me why several dozen of these African immigrants were bused in to a Bernie Sanders campaign office while Iowa was preparing to enter the precincts for a night of caucus elections. None of them the couple encountered could communicate in English. How did this guy get his hands on a car when he obviously had no clue about basic driving-or parking-techniques. Where were they bused in from? Who gathered them at their point of origin? Who was paying for the buses and organizing work behind getting them there? This was just one office; did it also happen over in the Latino neighborhoods or inner-city black precincts? What about other cities across the state? How many places did this kind of work take place in? How many hundreds or thousands of votes resulted? Were they Democrat voters or were they dispersed to register and vote tipping the GOP balance?

We have seen such things across the country in past elections. Loads of homeless people bused across state lines, fed and given help filling out registration forms in key districts of critical states. We have seen the news footage of crackheads and junkies transported to where a few votes could tip the balance. Why hasn’t anything been done?

We keep hearing how the GOP candidates are such staunch true conservatives who cherish our Constitution and principles, why do none of them address this after being elected? We all know about the SEIU rigging voting machines and ACORN paying street workers to register as many voters as possible. One minority voter bragged he had received $5 for each of the 76 times he filled out voter registration forms with names and addresses from a list provided by a campaign worker. Why do we have Senators running for higher office who wont even bother protecting the integrity of the system that puts them in the cushy job they already fail to do? How can a 25 yr Senator and former Senator and Secretary of State run for office when these types of shenanigans exploded in use during their years of service? I could go on and on but why bother when we all know what is happening?

We are Americans and we have a right to expect and demand honest elections. The parties are corrupting our process and the officials we already elected do not care one bit.

There is nobody currently in the House or Senate of OUR Congress that deserves to keep their jobs. The parties do not deserve our support.

It is early in our primary process, we at Constitutional Patriots ask for your help. If you witness ANY signs of corruption, suspicious busing of voters, sleazy campaign mailers or anything else that is obviously out of line in our process please let us know, we hope to compile a very complete list. We have to record the violations if we are to demand an end to them and obviously no one in government is going to do it for us. Please add your input in the comments at the end of this article or post to our Constitutional Patriots Facebook group. We can’t do this without your help and if we don’t do it ourselves no one else will.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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