Conservatism Lost: Suicide by GOP

Screenshot_2016-02-13-04-55-36-1Yesterday a federal court ruled a transgender female has every right to use the boys bathroom in public schools. You know where this is going; soon the entire nation will be forced to accept this as law by court decree once again circumvents our constitutional process of representative legislatures creating law.

Do not think of this as another liberal victory, call it what it really is, another conservative loss capping decades of conservative failures and losses.

By failing to learn, adapt and grow, the ideology called conservatism has withered away into a completely useless faction tucked away in a corner of a rotten new GOP.

The Tea Party movement was the last great hurrah for conservatism; they really had the momentum and opportunity to do some good. They blew it by letting syndicated GOP radio stars shift their goal from saving America to saving the GOP. Once the media mouthpieces succeeded in co-opting Tea Party success into the GOP it was over. The swing voters left, the Reagan Democrats left and membership in the 1,500+ groups dwindled by 95% in one years time. Death by GOP.

Now there is no united national effort to restore our Constitution, replace Congress, end their pensions and benefits, protect traditional families, control activist courts, strengthen and support our military, take back our education system, protect Christianity, protect our privacy, reduce the size and duplicity of government or protect states rights. Every major goal they established drew supporters but when they had the momentum to launch an actual new party of united Americans they balked and the lost opportunity became suicide. They fell for the 40 year old BS about, Hey! We can save the GOP then use them to save America. This is the standard M.O. for GOP talk radio and it is the death chant for constitutional conservatism. Now they have either left or become gullible enough to believe a fraud like Cruz who uses establishment consultants, cash and media is an outsider. Those identifying as conservatives today are proven to have almost no knowledge of our history, Founders and Constitution yet they grandstand on them while backing people who lie about all three.

Try to explain to conservatives what our Constitution and Founders were really about and you have a fight on your hands as ugly and vitriolic as any socialist/liberal response. Conservatives of today pledge their first allegiance to the GOP, their priority of saving America and our Constitution for their families is a distant second which is why that part of the conversation from Tea Party days has fallen silent. Forced as conservatives to choose between our founding constitutional principles and the GOP and they take the GOP every time.

This is why a growing number of educated patriots are identifying as Constitutional Patriots instead of GOP conservatives. Being a conservative in a party that despises conservatives is a senseless display of tunnel vision by people who are refusing to face reality. Times change, people change and parties change. The GOP is at war with conservatism and is succeeding in defeating it. Anyone blind enough to support their opposition because they cannot comprehend that changes have occurred is not a useful force for restoring America.

Show me conservative successes. I hear them daily calling everyone else stupid or low-information, make the case they are in a position to claim higher intellect. As I stated, if you tell them truth about our history, Founders and Constitution they attack you, just what do they stand for anymore? They have been reduced to a being a lowly, angry faction in a shrinking corner of the GOP basement, then they crawl out to shout and vote GOP. Between elections the GOP helps Democrats dismantle conservative goals yet conservatives wait in the basement for their next opportunity to vote GOP. Please define a useful idiot for me. I remember back when conservatives were the smart ones. What happened? The case can be made that the advent of syndicated GOP talk radio destroyed conservatism.

For more than 25 years national GOP radio stars have been raking in tens of millions of dollars by lying to and misleading conservatives. They use carefully crafted monologues and spin to convince fans they are constitutional watchdogs but every one of them leaves out any fact of our history or founding that could jeopardize their first love-the GOP. If you were to start a media campaign to brainwash the public into support for the GOP what would you do that GOP talk radio stars do not do? They leave no tactic or subterfuge unused especially when it comes to avoiding truth about our Founders and Constitution.

Consider this, every one of the stars talks about holding leaders and parties accountable and conservatives cheer to hear it. Right? Then every star says, No matter what, set your anger at the GOP aside, vote for them because we MUST beat the Dems. Then we can get better conservative candidates next time. There. You just killed accountability and replaced it with a voter attitude of screw me any way you want but you can always count on my vote. This nonsense is pure conservative logic and the enduring strategy for the past several decades of conservative failures. No matter how badly the GOP shafts them they can always count on full conservative support, even though the GOP is far from conservative and less so day by day.

And conservatives used to be smart. Now they vote for people they don’t like in a party that does not want them then they complain about failure after failure which come with help from the party they refuse to leave. Again, please define useful idiot for me. See now why the Constitutional Patriot movement is growing? If you are not low-information or self-destructive and still want to restore America it is very obvious conservatism is not the vehicle to get you there. They will go to their graves trying to rekindle the GOP love like abused spouses fighting to save a tragic marriage because thirty years ago it was bliss. GOP conservatism, the cowards approach to abuse.

Modern conservatives are a hazy shadow of their distant patriotic roots. While they claim to honor our Founders and past heroes for standing strong on principle and boldly making every step necessary to achieve their goals no conservative of today will do the same. In the long history of American politics no ideological group has produced decades of setbacks, failures and losses close to that of GOP conservatives and no group has developed such expertise at making excuses for refusing to wake up and adapt to that reality. They have an excuse for everything and every excuse is a demonstration of their weakness and submission.

Ask them why they support a party that screws them. They reply the parties have all the power. Really? Our Founders said the People did.

Ask why they wont support a new party, they have 8 go-to excuses for that and you can find all 8 of those myths and lies at our website with the proof of why each is wrong.

They say they will not pass this mess to our children while ignoring the fact kids turn 18 every day and enter the mess conservatives have failed to prevent and vote to help the GOP create.

They say they want to unite America behind their goals while insulting and driving off every demographic group they need to win over. They even fail to educate their own children on basic American principles as conservatives refuse to actively revolt against an educational system indoctrinating progressivism followed by sending their kids to go into debt at universities and colleges they know are socialist/liberal boot camps. They actually fund the poisoning of their own kids minds.

Conservative values are supposed to be small government, freedom and accountability yet they steadfastly support the GOP which delivers big government, shrinks our freedoms and survives because conservatives wont hold them accountable.

They claim government under Obama is unconstitutional. Really? Where are the protests? Where are ANY conservative protests? They just donate to foundations and candidates who promise to fight then do nothing but beg more donations for their fat administrative salaries. When Obama repeatedly violated our Constitution conservatives failed to demand his removal and refused to support those who did. They are whipped, submissive whiners.

Ask conservatives to walk their talk, see where it gets you. They will thump their chests talking about our Founders and honoring sacrifice, just dont bother asking them to do it. They wont show up to protest unless a talk radio star orders them out and they wont make a move that could put patriot action ahead of their GOP. Face it, the most reliable action of GOP conservatives is submission. It is the only thing they have proven to do by repeat performance.

They have failed to reduce government, failed to reduce stifling taxes and regulations, failed to make cities safer against increased drug gang violence, failed to stop subsidizing drug gang activity living off our welfare system abuses, failed to slow the advance of socialism, failed to take back our schools, failed to defend our churches or the rights of business owners to exercise religious principles, failed to support our veterans through the VA, failed to support impoverished military families and their soldiers sent to unorganized war by failed policy while soldiers are under-equipped and endangered by ludicrous rules of engagement, failed to protect our borders or slow the flood of illegals who are gaining rights daily, failed to protect jobs, failed to correct trade deficits, failed to slow activist courts, failed to protect our process damaged by voter fraud, professional lobbyists, superpac funds and mega-donors, failed to enforce our Constitution, failed to protect our health care system, failed to protect our digital privacy, failed to prosecute ANY high officials for corruption or crimes such as Fast & Furious, Benghazi, tax evasion, IRS scandals, illegal campaign contributions, crony rip-off scams like Solyndra and I could keep going. The only thing still protected in some gun rights, thank God a lot of Democrats love to shoot, hunt and carry or conservatives would have lost that too.

GOP conservatives can make excuses for sitting and waiting for more decades of losses but what can they win? What good are they to our future when they ignore truth about our basic principles so they can keep losing today?

The GOP conservative response to this? Democrats did this, we COMPLAINED! Stay the course, help us elect more conservatives for the corrupt GOP that hates us and someday we will have a magical election and fix all this. YIPPEE!

Yeah right. Ill ride my best unicorn to that election.

No thanks. I am a Constitutional Patriot, another group GOP conservatives fight against.

We are in desperate need of a new party just as our Founders warned and our Constitution was designed to permit. The GOP conservatives will fight to keep their losing streak alive because voices in their radio tell them too. If we are to save America we will have to do it without them. They are too busy being a huge part of the problem.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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