Time for CITIZENS To Clean Up Government

We have two parties trying to stop a President from doing his constitutional duties.

Democrats by direct attacks and obstruction, deflection and refusing to conduct business of Congress.

Republicans by strategic complicity and standing aside allowing Democrats to run wild without opposition. The GOP is failing voters as they did when in full power and refusing full tax reforms, full repeal of ObamaCare, building the wall and ending the Mueller scam attack probe. For decades they have given Democrats a free pass on a continuous string of high crimes including the worst cases of blatant treason in US history.

Now Amash joins a long list of Republicans publicly seeking to destroy our President while the rest–with the one exception of Rep. Devin Nunes– stand down and do nothing to protect and support Trump, voters, our Constitution and rule of law.

Notice there is NEVER outrage from the RNC or other Republicans when GOP officials attack or abandon Trump and our Constitution? This shows us what our real problem is.

Voters. US citizens who refuse to step up and act like free citizens who own and control our government, liberals and conservatives alike, are getting the government they deserve.

We are Americans. We ALWAYS have the government we deserve.

Want better government? Be a citizen that deserves better government. As long as citizens keep accepting this egregious nonsense it will continue to get worse.

For many years now, our Constitutional Patriot organization has been explaining our Founders, Constitution and history repeatedly demonstrating how our Founders warned this mess would occur if we failed to regularly replace political parties.

Indoctrinated liberals and conservatives refuse to abandon parties that have abandoned us. Both ignore the purpose of our Bill of Rights as they succumb to the unpatriotic and un-American excuse of, “we have two parties and are stuck with them.”

This apathetic and lazy cowardice is submission and surrender to party powers our Founders told us to reject.

Voters are idly whining while willfully submitting to party powers that do not exist and are not once even mentioned in our Constitution.

Our troubles are not failures of Democrats & Republicans….it is all due to failure by indoctrinated and complacent voters who submit to the corruption of the two parties.

George Washington was right when he said, “Parties, those vile entities that seek to grow power and become government unto themselves.”

We are the generations that are losing America. We deserve it for voting for the united parties of establishment it is our duty to prevent.

To deserve better, we must be better. Right now we do not deserve the blood, work and sacrifice of the millions who provided us with the great American legacy we are squandering by party loyalty that perpetuates entrenched corruption.

These two parties have become what Washington and our other Founders warned us to replace.

Do you have the patriotic ambition to stand on American principles and join the call for a new party?

A new party that will truly respresent us and our Constitution…. or are you going to be part of our failure?

Unite with us at Conpats. com and learn more as we move ahead.

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It is OUR time, OUR duty. This government is completely dysfunctional because their whole purpose is to destroy President Trump and constitutional America.

Replacing the parties is our peaceful solution and patriotic duty.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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