Cruz: GOP Suicide

Isn’t it interesting to watch the GOP self destruct? The GOP is finished and it isn’t just because they are dumb enough to attack the first strong candidate they have had in decades, it is because they choose to openly rally their establishment behind the obnoxious and arrogant Cruz. Back when they nominated Romney I published an article about how they had chosen to once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. In the same article I predicted the GOP would never put another President in the White House, they were already dead. The GOP was dead from the time they had both Houses of Congress under GW and went straight to caving in and backstabbing their base. People were already growing tired of the turncoats but when it became so obvious under GW their fate was sealed. Subsequent demonstrations of their internal chaos and the manipulations of party insiders have destroyed any chance for a comeback, and then along comes Cruz. Their fate is now buried, the GOP is dead.

The low GOP turnout for Romney led to an easy second term for Obama but I refuse to blame the voters who did not turn out. I blame the party establishment from the top down. The GOP is not able to excite the base, now they fight their one guy who can. Fools. Obama got his first term because the GOP under GW let America down so horribly. Obama got his second term because the GOP produced Romney as a candidate who began caving during the debates. Good people cannot rise through the GOP because hierarchy prevents it, they want game players and establishment party first/America second loyalists like Romney, McCain and Cruz.

The amazing thing about the Cruz candidacy is that it reveals so much about establishment unity, desperation and complete inability to understand trends among their own potential voting block. If you ignore right wing media spin and just look at facts the real story behind Cruz shows a bewildered and bungling party establishment circling the wagons around a candidate who cannot rally the base and can only win by dirty tricks and shenanigans he is already proven to be comfortable with. Now the scuttlebutt tabloid news is about Cruz and the rumor he could cheat marriage to actually find 5 women to sleep with him, which is not likely. He plays his media game saying it is all false and the Enquirer has no evidence and should not say it it. Then he says Trump is behind the story as a dirty campaign lie even though Cruz has no evidence of that and should not say it. Oh, its ok for Cruz to personally make snap judgments and attack without proof even though he says it is Trumps crime if a tabloid does it. Cruz can attack Trump without evidence of Trump being involved and that is fine? Shady lawyer double talk. Teddy, did schools in Canada ever teach you Cuban kids about people in glass houses throwing stones? Hmmm?

Cruz is like Ryan and Rubio. He took advantage of the Tea Party movement to get national attention because he is driven by ambition to fast track himself to the lofty office of power he always thought he deserved. Once elected to a seat that got him national status he abandoned that job to seek promotion to a higher office. The citizens of Texas never got the effective Senator they thought they were electing, no more than the Ryan and Rubio voters did. So, the top 3 stars who found success through abuse of the Tea Party movement have all turned out to be duds. GOP voters got hoodwinked and the entire purpose of the Tea Party was to put an end to what these 3 did on arrival. Do not expect the GOP to get another chance to co-opt such a movement again, voters finally see the GOP for what it is. Dead.

Cruz is smart enough to try to use his weaknesses as strengths but voters are turning out to be wise enough to see through it. He claims nobody in Washington likes him because he is so perfectly true to America. No, they all hate him because the guy is a jerk and he lacks the political skills of uniting his brethren to join under his leadership. He goes it alone because he cannot build teams and by cowboying alone he can do the Rush/Beck/Levin circuit and get spotlights for his crafted stage acts. THAT is a jerk.

When he hit the floor as a Jr. Senator then did a fake filibuster of Obamacare he did not first build a coalition of support which is a necessity for success on the floor. He did it alone so he alone had the spotlight because he already had his sights on a presidential run, he wanted the free publicity which Beck, Rush and Levin heaped upon their Golden Boy by the trainload. The result of this charade was Cruz forced the GOP to a very public surrender to Obama because Cruz did not line up a bit of help or support to fight with him. He took everyone by surprise and since that is not how the process works he doomed himself and the GOP to failure. No wonder they all hate him, he made the whole GOP Senate contingent look bad as they all got blamed for his go-it-alone gate crashing stupidity.

None of us liked the smart aleck know it all kid in school who was obnoxious but thought everyone hated him for his grades, that is Cruz, and his grades in the Senate show failure. Did you know he openly carries a copy of our Constitution around Capital hallways as a prop? He who swears he memorized the entire book carries one around? Why? The only reason can be for effect, a prop. Wandering the halls as an arrogant loner carrying the rule book they all know he circumvents is not a path to Senate power. Cruz saw the Senate as a temp job (at $174,000 a year) to build image on his path to our White House. He never planned to build teams there, he couldn’t and he hasn’t. No wonder AGAIN they all hate him.


Where are his old friends he made as he struggled to rise in the establishment? Why don’t we see any standing beside him today when he’d show them if he could? Neil Bush is so crooked he can’t be a politician, he controls money for them instead since he got caught doing hundreds of millions of dirty crony loans in the S&L scandal. He recently joined Team Cruz. Senator Mike Lee just came out and endorsed Cruz but did you notice why? He only did it right after Neil Bush brought his huge bucket of crony establishment insider cash to the Cruz vault, until then Lee kept his distance. Once he smelled cash he became the only friend Cruz has in the Senate. Coincidence? Of course the Bush establishment and their bankroll is behind Cruz, they were his roots. He spent much of his law career as a GOP crony appointee then he became a Bush staffer, which is where he met his wife, Heidi. She was a Bush staffer too and when they married they all joked it was the First Bush Team wedding. They are the GOP Bill & Hillary.

And NOW they try to sell themselves as outsiders who rose without the establishment? Seriously? They were incubated in the establishment, they are just too self-centered and power oriented to make any friends. Cruz has to say he is too good for the establishment because there is no other excuse for not being able to make friends and build partnerships.

Notice that Trump is often joined by highly accomplished friends as he campaigns? Serious big guns of achievement with proven track records as experts in a variety of fields. He is showing the high powered team of non-establishment professional heavy hitters he can bring to the Cabinet positions for digging in and repairing America. Where is Team Cruz? The guy doesn’t have any friends and he brags that he is so much better than anyone at the top they have to hate him. Who is crazy enough to think such a man can put together a Cabinet and Administration of people he knows and trusts when he advertises and demonstrates he does not work well with others? Show us your Cabinet Teddy. What accomplished friends do you have that are loyal and skilled enough to bring wisdom to your decision making? Loyalty is the key to good management; you need people that will do the extra bit for the Boss, not people that hate you but like the pay.

The truth about the GOP establishment is that it has two halves, right and left. Cruz is merely establishment right. That means he uses the old established GOP right funding, crony, donor streams and the same old established party right wing radio media. That is pure establishment. They think they can fool us by implying only RINOs are establishment but anyone working the old treacherous connections is establishment, Cruz is just the new face of it because the old ones imploded. Isn’t it interesting that Bernie, a 25 yr Senator is also using the pitch that he is not establishment? Do these people truly think a majority of us are that dumb? Gullible voters are lining up behind frauds groomed within the establishment who now claim they are not establishment while using the establishment to further their campaigns. Can politics get any more insane?

GOP talk radio is now 25 years old and nowhere is the old right wing establishment more evident. They run it and it is they who created and promoted Cruz as their owned, beholding candidate while continuously trying to defeat Trump. Rush woke up and is running scared so he has grown more cautious in knocking The Donald. With Beck and Levin it is all out War on Trump. Now we learn Levin’s fiancé has a son who is a full time Cruz staffer. Gee, who made the call that got the kid that job and why did Mark Levin forget to tell us about it on his three hour a day show? Crony establishment games from frauds that pretend establishment is someone else. No wonder Levin is taking a huge hit in ratings, while Rush and Beck take steady smaller losses.

The extent of GOP failure, infighting, sleazy bedmates and power struggles are staggering, they cannot save a nation while fighting each other so the GOP began a slow, miserable death long ago. It is finished. They forced Trump to sign their filthy Soviet Party Loyalty Pact then defaulted immediately as they began to attack him. He has no reason to stay and I am betting he has teams of sharp people already creating a new party and legal teams sorting through state filing processes. I sure hope so because as a Constitutional Patriot I cannot in good conscience cast another vote for the GOP which is now a partner with Democrats.

Do not fear new parties, our Founders told us to keep replacing old ones because they go bad, just as we have seen. Visit our website and you will find the scare tactics and propaganda parties use to keep you afraid of new parties. They always use the same 8 myths and lies and we use reason and logic to debunk each. See for yourself but we must do something. The GOP is at war with us and their own champion while they push another loser who will get fewer voters to the polls than Romney did. We replace the GOP or America will have no party to stand for us. I want to join the party that thinks like we do, hopefully Trump will launch it. He will if he wants my vote. I will honor our nation and future before I vote again for one of the establishment parties that created this mess that never needed to happen.

Constitutional Patriots made our country and we are the only ones left to restore the mess Democrats and GOP made of it. I hope we can count you among us.

Check our site at You are probably just concerned, hard working Patriots like us.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

4 thoughts on “Cruz: GOP Suicide

  1. Hello Lynn,

    The political party you seek already exists.

    As a Constitutional conservative, I created it in February of 2009, two months before the Tea Party arrived on the scene in April. I knew back then only a third party could save America and, by extension, the world.

    Using the skills I acquired during my 40-year career as an accountant and corporate auditor in the oil & gas industry, I wrote the most powerful economic plan in modern American history.

    In every respect, my plan conforms with the Constitution, sound accounting principles, and economic law and, since 2013, has been vetted on 74 talk radio shows all over America, and on The Rick Amato Show on One America News in February 2015.

    The good news is this: The President can implement this game-changing plan with one stroke of his pen by signing the “Proclamation of Freedom” 1:00pm on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2017.

    This plan will ensure victory over EVERY other candidate.

    I tweeted Donald Trump to contact me so I could present him with the plan… reply. I hope I do get the opportunity.

    My plan will “Make America the Greatest It’s Ever Been”.

    Please contact me if you are interested in helping set free 320 million Americans in a peaceful, Constitutional revolution.


    Bob McNeil
    American Revolutionary
    Founder/President ~ American Citizen Party
    IRS Nemesis
    Ph: 713-806-5199

    1. Bob, just in sheer numbers, it appears that the “tea party” has a vast advantage over your American Citizen Party and/or the ConPat party of this site – would it not be advantageous to combine those efforts and start from a base of strength ?

      1. The Tea Party is dead and has been for a long time.

        It was co-opted by the cronies in the GOP, to help get them elected in 2010 and 2012 and was then cast aside like a cheap hooker after the GOP sucked what money and votes they could get out of it.

        All that is left is a dried up husk that consists of squabbling egos, looking to line their own pockets with what crumbs are left.

        We have no desire to join with a failed and dead movement.

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