Cruz Disgraced: America Pays the Price

threat-1The New Hampshire Debate was very revealing. The combination of dirty tricks used by Team Cruz in the Iowa Caucus damaged more than just Cruz. By using such low tactics he did real harm to the gracious Dr. Carson but it did not end there either. He did a lot of damage to a lot of people. Not only did he give the Iowa Republican Party a black eye by corrupting their caucus but he hurt everyone who has supported him, defended him and donated funds because of their faith in his integrity and viability as a candidate.

During last nights debate he gave a weak and long overdue apology to Dr. Carson whom obviously was not impressed by it and did not seem to think it sincere. Was the Cruz apology sincere? I dont think so; would a sincere apology come so late? Cruz was doing damage control for Cruz, not an attempt to do the right thing. A man with enough integrity to step up and do the right thing would never have created then fueled this debacle in the first place. Ted Cruz and Steve King showed America everything we hate to see out of establishment politicians and gave the Democrats more reasons to look across the party lines and say, See, Republicans have no right to accuse us of being dirty.

Cruz was busted immediately after the Iowa caucuses. Everyone knew the mailers were dirty and the unprecedented foul attack on Carson as the caucuses began was exposed as fraud that same eveningafter Cruz claimed a proud corruption laced victory. In the following days Cruz was confronted and asked about the tactics many times and all of his arrogant replies showed contempt. He stood his ground proudly. His supporters, from staffers to fans on the street were forced into damage control mode defending Cruz even as he used more lies to try to get himself out of the mess. The talk radio mega-stars who created and promoted Cruz tried to help by shifting blame or and downplaying the entire mess but our American people just arent that stupid. The excuses and follow-up cover story lies insulted us.

The old rule about liars brought down because they need more lies to cover the first lies played out in real life and now Americans are more disgusted than ever with the sad state of our politics, parties and those behind them. After the first cries of foul rose from the public Cruz tried to laugh it off. When that did not work he went in front of media cameras to tell America he and Steve King were innocent, theyd been fooled by tweets from CNN staffers and they made the mistake of re-tweeting false reports about Carson from CNN. They also tried to claim CNN live reports of breaking news were incorrect for hours and they fell for it. So, CNN did a thorough double check and confronted Team Cruz with their findings. They produced every tweet and published comments from the evening in question and not one even remotely suggested Carson was quitting, they said quite the opposite. Several of their tweets and comments said Carson was looking ahead to other state primaries.

This was clear evidence Team Cruz was digging themselves in deeper. Not satisfied by the original lies on debate night they were now accusing a huge international news organization of starting it all and pretending they were victims of the false news reports.

That is a foolish mistake in a long string of foolish mistakes and it is backfiring in a big way, as it should. How did they expect CNN to react? To protect their own credibility against attacks by Cruz CNN is now forced to make the lies and fraudulent tactics by Cruz a major news cycle story. This provides legitimate ammo for every Cruz detractor and every opposing candidate. No one needs to spin truth or hint that Cruz is a sleazy and untrustworthy fraud who will say or do anything to achieve goals and drive his ambitions. Cruz has gone to great lengths to demonstrate it all by himself.

What comes next for Cruz? In the beginning of his campaign I stated several times that Cruz should never have run. I maintained that a national campaign would teach America so much about Cruz that he would be forced to drop out of the presidential race and would be lucky just to be able to keep his Senate seat. I watch the news today, watch Cruz stumbling from lie to more lies clumsily trying to wiggle out of a mess he created all by himself and it seems almost as if he is desperately trying to prove every one of his detractors was correct.

All the years of careful grooming by Beck, Limbaugh and Mark Levin are up in flames. All of the hard work, non-stop promotion and free radio time these activist hosts dedicated in an attempt to produce their own crony candidate has crumbled before the eyes of American voters. This should tell citizens something about the motives and credibility of these syndicated hosts. While myself and others sounded alarms and tried to expose the truth about Cruz all along we were dwarfed by the national stars that ran cover for him ignoring much truth and fabricating a false persona for Cruz to get their guy in the White House. They are losers here too and they deserve every bit of damage their remaining credibility will suffer.

So here near the end Cruz himself is heavily damaged just by being Cruz. Steve King chose to share in the damage for his own personal reasons. The Iowa GOP and national reputation of the Iowa caucuses is damaged for the second election in a row due to GOP shenanigans. Every voter behind Cruz, the volunteers and donors are damaged but most of all, each of us as Americans are damaged as more corruption and lies are exposed in the process of a nation of citizens long fed up with corruption and lies.

Many of us tried to warn America all along, we could not overcome the powerful influence of the massive GOP radio machines with self-serving agendas. If any good comes from this scandal at all, it is my hope that America will discover and elevate new voices in the world of political radio commentary and analysis. The Big Boys were in on this Cruz scam from the very beginning, he could never have done it without them.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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