Global Deep State Nuked: U.S. Media Launches News Blackout

Imagine if the basic premise of everything your favorite media tells you about politics and voting turned out to be wrong.

Well, it just happened. But because it proves both conservative and lefty media dead wrong, both are hiding it from you.

Patriotic citizens just got fed up with 2 powerful, corrupt, century old parties, started a new one and won in just 45 days! See why our Republican’t and Demonrat media stars hope you.never hear it?

America has 2 types of media, Republican or Democrat. Stars may complain about their own party but NEVER do they tell you to leave it or try for a new one.

In fact, American liberal and conservative media both sabotage basic American principles of citizens being in charge by telling audiences “The parties have all the power, a new one will only help the other guys win.”

This un-American lie is a key to voter indoctrination the global Deep State needs to preserve the parties that house our swamp.

The same swamp we elected President Trump to destroy.

Voters in England just proved old, entrenched parties can be defeated quickly if party/media koolaid is ignored and citizens do the right thing.

Here’s what happened that our conservative and lefty medias hope you never learn:

When the People unite against old corrupt globalist Deep State power, the People can win big in almost no time at all!

American lefty and conservative media knows if you learn this, the parties they are loyal to are in huge trouble.

Two major parties ran everything in the UK for over a century, just like us.

Both became instruments of the global Deep State, just like ours.

Both parties began ignoring voters as they crept toward globalist socialism, just like ours.

Their media is completely in the tank for the left or right of their Deep State swamp, just like ours.

UK media has been indoctrinating voters for years, convincing them voting outside the major parties would bring disaster. Just like ours.

All the big business and big money was behind the old parties, just like ours.

Along came a guy named Nigel Farage. He was just a media guy who, unlike ours, bucked the system to focus on truth.

He wanted the UK out of the European Union. Both corrupt parties preferred the same globalism our Republicans and Democrats do. He started a new party, the People backed it and in late May, they steamrolled over both old parties in an election!

Three months of talking with 45 days of it seriously working hard for an election.

That new party did what their media and our conservative and lefty media said cannot be done. They did EXACTLY what America was created to do and exactly what our Constitutional Patriot organization has said we can and should do.

They did it. We kicked England out of America because we wanted self-government where no power or party was stronger than The People.

Here we are 240 yrs later and the English have to demonstrate the fact it is still possible for free citizens to crush any power that ignores the will of the People.

We would not need this example from the UK if our conservative or put American principles over the parties they promote.

Now, can you think of any logical reason why We the People—citizens of the Greatest Free Nation on earth— should keep backing two corrupt parties instead of uniting with a new one and taking back our country?

We need a new party Trump can win with. No excuses. It’s been done.

Now ask yourself why your favorite conservative or lefty media star participated in the news blackout of this nuclear bomb on corruption by Patriots who wanted their government back.

President Trump and Nigel Farage are friends who discuss politics. How must Trump feel to see Farage supporters step up with fierce independence while his own voters still remain indoctrinated to supporting the corrupt Republican Party?

We need to crush both Deep State parties.

We need a new one we can support President Trump with.

We said we would have his back. Now we must do so and we have 400 days, not the 45 which was all English Patriots needed.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

One thought on “Global Deep State Nuked: U.S. Media Launches News Blackout

  1. When I started reading this article I expected to see the name of a third party already created and named. Now that I know there is no name for a third party I suggest ” The Patriot Party”.

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