TRUMP: Tea Party Was the Warmup Act

Screenshot_2016-02-13-04-55-36-1What we are seeing with Trump is not new to America; it is a revival of our American Spirit and principles. Directly opposed to it we see the antithesis of American principles, socialism poising to destroy the fabric of our nation. When the Tea Party rose they were right about their predictions for the future. Bernie Sanders is proof of that. The ensuing immigrant floods, rise of the Islamic scourge, increase in debt, loss of career type jobs and more all prove the predictions that fueled the Tea Party were dead on.

The Tea Party almost made a difference but a couple fixable problems brought it down. The first problem was syndicated GOP talk radio. Rush, Beck, Hannity and Levin did a masterful job of helping launch and grow the movement, they just blew it by putting their loyalty to the GOP ahead of the best interests of our country. It didn’t take long for those 4 and their GOP cronies to realize they had a tiger by the tail. Americans were waking up at the speed of light and their direction was heading toward a new party. That did not jibe with the GOP first, America second crowd.

You have to realize the uncomfortable position the Tea Party direction was putting the mega star hosts in. They spent a lot of time talking about Founders, history and principles but if voters stuck to it a new party was possible. The hosts have tied their marketing plans, lucrative media empires and social lives to the GOP for decades. All 4 were professionally and emotionally invested in the ridiculous concept of saving the GOP then using them to save America. If the Tea Party had become another actual party a lot of people in media and the GOP finance machine were going to have to choose sides and that threatened the wealth streams they had built. The Tea Party had to be brought under GOP control and by golly that is just what happened.

The hosts and bottom feeders around the Tea Party were raking in millions from it; after all, they truly had done much to empower it. No way could they lose that Golden Goose when doing so would also force big changes in their business models of GOP partnerships. The entire game was at risk so they milked the Tea Party for all the book sales, paid website memberships and political crony donations they could get then they quietly stood by as the movement lost 95% of its member groups. Better to let it die than become a powerful force that could replace their beloved GOP.

Using the good will and patriotism of the Tea Party for selfish pursuits was not limited to the gold mining of radio stars, foundations and SuperPACs. Too many candidates, new and entrenched, hopped on the bandwagon only to use the Tea Party voting block then abandon them once in office. Remember Paul Ryan being the hero financial genius who could get the DC finances under control? The same Paul Ryan who just gave Obama a blank check enabling his entire dream budget? He was just one of many who abused the good intentions of the Tea Party, there were plenty of others. The backlash resulted when the good Americans who had worked so hard for the Tea Party saw the GOP shenanigans strip them of the rewards of all of their time and efforts.

It was not difficult to hijack the Tea Party. From the beginning the false notion was planted that there was no central command center. It was billed as an amalgamation of separate but united backyard groups operating independently toward a common goal. There was no single figure of leadership and direction. This is how the radio stars and a couple of crony groups divvied up the proceeds. They claimed there was no command structure as they gave commands and cashed in. There were large national “support” entities using the Tea Party name, traveling to rallies in buses and backing favored candidates but all denied leadership, even as they functioned as pseudo-leaders and cashed the donation checks they begged for non-stop. By denying they were leaders they were merely trying to avoid becoming targets of opposition attacks. Let the radio boys do that, that was already part of daily life for them and they could use the attacks to bolster their images as courageous sacrificial lambs, while they cashed in by the millions.

When the Tea Party disintegrated the American spirit behind it lingered as it always had. The spirit remained but the battle scars had produced a class of stronger veteran activists who now knew how easy it is to get burned and taken advantage of. Not only were the Tea Party people fed up with Democrats, now they lick their wounds and watch the GOP backstab and abandon them as Obama & Company grow even more dangerous.

It became obvious; the Tea Party movement proved unhappy Democrats would unite with unhappy Republicans if the union could focus on saving America instead of putting self-serving parties first. They had proven that millions who had never voted or given up because of the rampant corruption would also reenter the process for a real chance to save our nation. The experience was now there. The power to unite was proven and the true American spirit of patriotism and defiance had been awakened. All that was needed was a leader from outside the control of the party bosses, influence of money machines and manipulation by super power GOP talk radio hosts. Along came Trump.

Here we have a guy who personifies the type of President our Founders told us to elect. One of our best and brightest who comes from a background of success in our private sector motivated by a desire to serve the best interests of our nation. He is running a campaign that does not leave him obligated to repay debts to powerful interests or cronies and he only wishes to serve then return to his hard earned business pursuits. He is taking his campaign to the People for them to decide instead of going through party channels so they can form and adjust him until he earns their support and introduction to the process.

Suddenly the megastar radio hosts who grew wealthy pretending to stand on American principles are forced to confront the exact type of candidate our Founders designed our system to function with, and they don’t like it one bit.

Nobody from inside the system likes it and that is why the American People love Trump. He is one of us, he has just been driven to accomplish more than most of us care to or could. He isn’t perfect and doesn’t claim to be; besides, America already knows who he is and where his skeletons are buried. We wont be getting surprised this time. He is not an eloquent speaker rattling off fine points about our freedoms or Constitution; he is a living example of why we have a Constitution in the first place: So people are free to work with minimal restrictions, keep what they earn while fueling our economy, paying taxes, creating jobs then running for the highest office in the land.

If Trump is a little rough around the edges, fine. So were several of our Founders and so are many of us. Study a bit of history and you’ll find our greatest Presidents were all a bit rough around the edges. It is the cultivated pansies, party loyalists and lawyers who have done the worst jobs time after time in our White House. He may not be a religious zealot but he is a Christian and he resents the attacks on Christianity. He also has the right opinion and positions regarding the Islamic problems. I have a Pastor; Im looking for a trustworthy and competent President.

So here we are, what I am seeing is exactly what happened with the Tea Party except this time we have a leader and he isnt someone national radio stars, party insiders and unscrupulous donors can control, shove around or take advantage of. I am proud of my Americans; they took the Tea Party hit and did not get knocked out. They got up, dusted off and are right back in the battle. All they needed was a leader and they are going to be impossible to stop this time. When Americans unite to defend principles and freedoms they have never failed and we are not going to fail now. Rough times demand rough leaders and the strength of Americans has been proven every time it has been challenged. We are going to prove it again when it is our time, our duty to do it.

God Bless America!

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

3 thoughts on “TRUMP: Tea Party Was the Warmup Act

  1. Our voters are not that much different from the average voter. And so there s not a big difference between what you see in the national polls and what you see among people who support tea party ideas, he said.

  2. Yup, it’s important that we get rid of the ‘excess baggage’ of professional politicians and get someone in there that represents the ‘common folk.’ Thanks for this article!

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