Conpats: Taking Party Cash Out of Politics

New parties fail because of the corrupt money and un-American campaign rules. The Democrat & Republican parties have worked together for more than a century to create an election process our Founders would hang them for.

The money and protectionist rules used by the corrupt parties can easily be ovecome if enough Americans are patriotic enough to take some safe, simple steps without media ordering them to do it.

New parties such as the Constitution and Libertarian parties have foolishly made the mistake of trying to beat the old parties at their own game under their rules. Bucking a deck stacked by corrupt players leads to predictable failure.

We will not be suckered into that trap.

Entrenched corruption of the old parties is so complete their spiderweb network of donations for favors reaches the most remote corners of our smallest counties.

Both maintain lists of voters who are willing dupes eager to do fieldwork on the ground in their community.

Each community list records past donors and who is willing to pay up or do volunteer work for a chance at a pat on the head or personal mention from elected officials passing through for meet and greets. These low level unpaid local trench workers bask in the glow of the temporary ego boost they get from rubbing elbows with officials who use them but care for nothing but the volunteer’s ability to deliver donations and votes.

Donations collected at community and county level are advanced to state and national offices where we begin to find salaried workers who have earned their stripes by producing for the system.

These jobs are kept as long as the party employee can keep feeding money to higher channels.

From the top down we have elected officials in office getting prized committee positions they earn and keep by their own ability to draw and coerce larger donors they solicit larger donations from.

When elected officials meet with large donors to discuss actions government should take then money is exchanged in the form of a donation from a known source a legalized bribe has taken place.

This happens daily in every level of government.

This is why there are only 535 members in our DC Congress but over 16,000 regiistered lobbyists there plying them with legal (sometimes) bribes in exchange for favorable actions and language in rules and legislation.

The congressional committee members and bosses are prime targets for the lobbyists representing the large donors because they are the gatekeepers for all work done by the representatives elected on the premise of serving us. No bill enters Congress without their approval and tinkering. And for those considerations you must pay and pay well.

Where do everyday citizens fit into this process? We don’t. We cannot afford to get attention from officials who need our votes before they are in position to accept legalized bribes to serve others.

It is difficult for entrenched parties to keep this DC down to community network intact providing the hundreds of millions of dollars they pull out of it.

To protect the positions of those who can routinely provide cash donations and votes they had to create professional politicians.

No capable producer will leave private industry for a career of serving a party through donors unless they are rewarded for it so Congress blessed themselves with obscene pension and benefit packages. These perks along with $3346/week starting pay enable the party’s approved picks to stay in DC as long as they are able to maintain the funding streams from their home districts. In return parties then send campaign funds back to the districts in sufficient amounts to crush any challenger from within party primaries or general elections.

This is how Congress with an 8% approval rating is able to consistelty maintain over 90% reelection rates.
Money of donated bribes, from the most remote regions, protects and preserves professional politicians at the top who retire wealthy after careers of serving those who paid to corrupt our system.

The two parties have worked together to build this process.

Everything about it is thoroughly corrupt and crafted to prevent our best and brightest from serving as a patriotic duty then return to private industry.

None of this is in our Constitution. Lawyers within the system and parties have carefully crafted this structure to bypass our most basic founding American principles of citizen government serving the best interests of the People and country.

The parties who have done this ARE THE SWAMP we must drain. Replacing a few swamp critters but leaving the swamp intact is a foolish goal that turns a blind eye to the 800# gorilla of corruption both parties united to create and preserve.
We begin tomorrow, check back in.

The Conpats of our Constitutional Patriot organization will show how a new party with no DONATE! button on it’s own website can use our Constitutional Rights to change all of this.

The money and rules can be overcome safely and simply. The People who are supposed to have the power can take it all back very quickly and there is nothing the parties or their network of donors can do about it.

This is why America was founded in the first place. Every voter must be forced to decide if they want to want to keep bad parties who built a corrupt system or the Rights and powers that are our hard won American inheritance.
You are asked to decide. It is Our Time, Our Duty.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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