Impeachment: What is Being Missed

Every pundit and news junkie in the nation is focused on the latest Democrat lunacy of impeachment, but the probable driving force has never been mentioned.

Barr is conducting some sort of investigations, as are others. IG, Judicial Watch etc..

Consider this, it is what takes place behind the scenes as such investigations are underway. Obviously, potential witnesses and conspirators are being questioned and deposed (questioned under oath).

Those people are getting hints of where investigators are heading. For example; imagine you are one being questioned. You are called in, sworn to testify or merely questioned for the record. Those questions relate to your knowledge of certain people and events. Now you know where the prosecutors are headed, which crimes they are digging into and who may be targeted by the outcome.

You finish your part and leave. Do you just go home, quietly about your business or do you start contacting cohorts alerting them to what prosecutors quizzed you about? Even if you do merely go about your business others will know you were called in. They are going to want to know what you were asked and what other names came up in the discussion. Remember, guilty people live in fear. As it says in Provebs 28:1, “The guilty flee when no man pursueth.” The guilty are certainly going to be on edge when knowing they may well be pursued. They are not going to pass on the chance to pick your brain and hear what prosecutors are asking and what you replied with.

Behind the scenes there has to be a whirlwind of calls and meetings taking place on the Dem side between potential targets and those who have already been grilled. It doesn’t take a genius to know where the investigators are heading after you’ve sat down with them hearing their line of questioning.

Now, say you are one of the guilty targets. After talking with two, twenty or dozens of such deposed witnesses, you are well aware of where investigators are going. You share that info with co-conspirators and those who may help defend you or plot your defense. You go into pro-active defense mode because you have a pretty good idea of what is coming.

This was the reason the phony Russian collusion evidence was created. This is why the Mueller probe was launched to make it appear as Democrats are on the high ground seeking justice while the individuals behind the investigation are the criminal elements. The Mueller probe would still be going on if it had not revealed the treacherous behavior of FBI officials, Comey, Hillary and the purchase of documents of faked evidence etc. No, that probe was showing too much of the Democrat sleaziness so it got shut down, shelved and is now gathering dust.

This calls for Phase 2 of CYA mode. Schiff and God only knows who else, go to collusion (or bullying) Act 2, this time with Ukraine. Isn’t it interesting that with all the directions they could have gone, they constructed it so their phony “whistleblower” outed news from Ground Zero of where Biden and others are vulnerable for some very serious charges if it comes to actual justice?

Not only did they go after Trump in hopes his Administration will be neutered out of position, they also tried to catch Barr in the same net. Get Barr and these investigations are finished. Everyone walks scot-free. I do not believe Dems would deliberately choose to launch Phase 2 with a phony scandal that has so many fingers pointed back at them. Remember all those deposed witnesses…I strongly suspect the information those witnesses shared after questioning guided the left to try to get ahead of the Ukraine fiasco. As days roll by we are learning of other Democrats having suspicious interests and activities in Ukraine. They are dug in over there like ticks on a hound and they’ve been sucking cash out of Ukraine by the bag full.

We have no way of knowing exactly how many witnesses and potential targets the various investigators have questioned. But we do know all are from the same side and they all communicate within their circle. Whatever we think we know from the scant reporting is nothing compared to what they all know from being right there in the chair being grilled by new sheriffs in town.

There has to be phone lines melting as more and more are questioned leading to more and more defense to be conjured up. How would you feel if you knew you were culpable but so far not charged? Yet you know a lot of people close to you have been interrogated and sooner or later one may spill the beans on you. You feel like you better build your defense and do it now. The best defense being a good offense, you go into attack mode and try sinking your teeth into those who may be getting the goods to bring you down.

A lot of people I hear discussing this Phase 2 circus act seem to think Democrats are doing it because they fear Trump will win in 2020. They could not be more wrong. This is not about the election. They are afraid the charges will be dropped on them and the evidence revealed before the election. As much as they all hope to retain or grow power next November, it is more important to not be convicted of the very serious felonies real justice can and should impose upon them. Yes their Ukraine strategy for impeachment is empty but it’s all they have standing between them and jumpsuits that come with 3 meals a day and a steel cot.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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