Quick Analysis: Hillary Clinton – What Difference Does it Make? Apparently, None.

Hillary was right, what difference does it make now? The people of America have already accepted having an untouchable higher political class who can ignore laws with impunity, scoff at and toy with our justice system, rob us to enrich themselves and cronies while harshly enforcing every law they impose on us. They spy on us, pick and choose which laws they wish to ignore or enforce and even corrupt the system we use to elect them.

Americans know this and surrender to it so how was Hillary wrong?

What difference does it make now?

Americans will no longer demand justice and a government of law unless media tells them too and they are now controlled by party loyalists too.

America has been surrendered by citizens who know gov’t is far out of control but refuse to stand up for their own rights. That is why they so eagerly support an endless stream of new heroes to save them. They lack the resolve to do it themselves.

So, we have a political class including presidential candidates who openly mock our system, and us.

How was Hillary wrong?

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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