Trump Win Fuels GOP Psychosis!

The dust has begun to settle as Tuesday sinks in, time to look it over.

There are a lot of bad feelings lingering but most are misdirected. The shock of the Trump success still echoes, even from his supporters and that is puzzling. The opposition from within the GOP establishment is taking a new form as the insiders who rallied to save Cruz now restructure their game to create the illusion that their standards are still too high for Trump to meet. Paul Ryan appeared on CNN talking with the left half of GOP establishment media and he went on record saying Trump has to prove his conservative credentials before Ryan and his mob of aloof frauds will accept him, let alone endorse him. Empty words from a guy leading the crew Obama has slapped around like green children; especially since Ryan himself jumped at the chance to pass Obama’s insane budget requests completely intact. Ryan needs Trump more than Trump needs Ryan.

Now the Big Donors are standing stiff against Trump like worn out Viagra soldiers hoping they leave an impression before the moment passes. Who in their right mind would expect The Donald to cave for them now after he just made history by clobbering them against all odds? And he did it by doing everything they said one can’t do if they are serious about winning. They should shut up and listen now but evidently they are real s-l-o-w learners. Trump winning by breaking rules shows us the rules are mental barriers with no basis in fact. The old rules exist for club members and voters just rejected the clubs.

Most notable: Cash cows struggling to choke down the Trump domination seems to be the Koch brothers on the, “Hey, we paid for a win!” side. At least 12 very large party/shenanigans/pac/superpac purchasers lashed out in unison because they are used to getting what they bought but Trump destroyed the product after they paid. I have no sympathy for them and wish they all had lost enough to force them into homeless shelters; they deserve it since no one hangs people for corrupting our process anymore.

When a candidate gets any big donation and they know exactly who gave it THAT is a bribe and I don’t care how they whitewash, excuse or define it. It is nice to see the guilty parties disappointed and whining, we sure know how that felt when they were getting their way and the shoe was on the other foot (ours).

It is sad to see the diehard Cruz supporters and other anti-Trump people lashing out with so much vitriol when they are directing it at the wrong people. Why be angry with voters who looked at our situation and felt so frustrated and betrayed they stepped outside the box for solutions? That is how our system was designed to work when politicians and parties fail us. That is why we were given our Constitution and Bill of Rights in the first place. Now I see new style conservatives uniting with the liberal-socialists to berate voters who do exactly what our Founders told us we must do when necessary.

The GOP had decades to groom and provide a candidate of their own who could stop Trump by saying and doing what voters have begged for. They had a serious head start and a great deal of media in support, it was theirs to lose and they lost. Why be angry at the opponent when he stepped into the vacuum of leadership and success the GOP created by ignoring their base? Trump is not the problem; he is a symptom of the disease the GOP infected itself with. He never stepped up until the huge Tea Party wins resulted in more failures and same old-same old broken promises. Angry anti-Trumpers should be focusing on their leaders who could not defeat Trump any more than they could defeat or slow Obama.

Any good competitor understands a serious loss means you should examine what you did wrong and how your opponent won. That is why sports teams watch game videos, Generals read battle reports and successful business leaders adapt, change, learn and grow. Failure is a teacher but the students must be willing and able to learn, those who cannot flunk out. Watching establishment Cruz/Ryan/Koch type losers react to the defeat has been interesting. I have never seen losers knocked off their pedestal exhibit so much self assurance and determination in defeat. Now they crowd together licking their wounds and howling that the winners must grant them concessions and surrender to their demands or suffer the consequences. Who does that? What could possibly be in their heads that they shout demands while still lying on the canvas from the knockout punch? I can only assume they are so accustomed to whining and demanding after years of losses to Democrats and socialists it is just their automatic response to any failure they lead themselves to. They’ve had enough practice.

When you are surprised by a huge loss to a rule breaker, common sense says you should turn on those who led you and demand accountability. Let’s be honest, the extreme anger and irrational outrage is coming from the fans of syndicated GOP talk radio, especially the Beck, Levin and Rush fans. The absolute worst are the Beck-Levin people who have shrunk to a fanatical core group of self-righteous combative zealots. To a lesser degree the small number of Steve Deace fans register too but his crowd is on the fringe of sanity anyway. All of these fans combined represent a cultish element of the right developed over years by manipulation of their favored hosts. This following has nothing to do with patriotism or educating voters. They have been manipulated by half- truths and graft as the hosts mine them for dollars to support their lucrative scams. They listen faithfully, think as commanded, they buy the books, the extra air time memberships and they gravitate to the message standardized by all cult leaders that true followers are enlightened and all others are outsiders who are led astray by evils to be feared. Now these cult members are suffering the fate all cults reach, the message of their leaders failed so the world has now become the bastion of evil domination they fought so hard to avoid.

I know the press will never look under the rug but I would love to know the suicide numbers for Beck, Levin and Deace fans for 2 weeks starting with the Cruz defeat. The worst of them will opt out, the rest will just keep biting and slashing at others who did not fall for the spin they lined up for. The extreme anger they feel today should be directed straight at the crackpot radio hosts who denied reality for personal gain and deliberately misled the loyal and trusting listeners who have brought them wealth with nothing in return. Free press was guaranteed to protect truth, not to enrich scam artists who lie to our most easily fleeced citizens. They should be mad but not at Team Trump, they should be outraged at the hosts who poisoned their minds to reject what people with critical thinking skills knew was obvious.

A few cries are being raised as GOP establishment mourners threaten to launch a new party. Yes we do need a new party but these people are fools proving once again they do not understand politics. New parties succeed when a majority is ready to embrace one. It is absurd to consider a small group of bitter losers uniting to start a party right after voters nationwide just told them to shut up and get out of the way. If only they had fought as hard against Obama as they do the voters who rejected their failures and backstabbing.

Now the spin liars are moving on telling us the focus is defeating Hilldabeast. I’m not buying it yet. Hillary cannot unite her base and the college kids who got Obama over the hump hate her as do many Democrat powerbrokers. It is a long way to November and her name is not on a ballot until they are printed. First we must get past the summer we should be focusing on. We are now on the verge of Obama orchestrated disaster in agriculture, tech stock and housing financials while facing imminent threat from foreign enemies and others within our borders who know summer is go time for them. We’ve already seen Baltimore, Ferguson, Trump rallies under siege, sleeper cell attacks and more. Those were test runs, just wait until you see the coming summer media spinners should be warning of but conveniently avoid as they pretend it is business as usual soon to be settled by a typically peaceful election and transfer of power.

So the anti-Trump crowd is mad, they can wake up or become more insignificant. They should be learning instead of shouting. The rest of us who don’t need self-serving radio stars to think for us are looking ahead because the battle is won but the war is about to escalate. Nothing big has been won, we only named the leader of the fight and he has not taken office. Before he does America is going to confront the danger the GOP permitted by failing to back Trump when he tried to remove Obama a few years ago. If they had walked their talk back then the GOP would have earned support the old fashioned way and Trump could have gone on about his business never entering this mess he put himself into now. The GOP failed and let Obama complete his plans. We will all pay the price, I am just happy we have one guy at the front who tried to step up when the GOP didnt. It is time to lead, follow or get the hell out of the way because someone has got to clean up the mess we got for trusting the GOP to actually keep promises. They had it to do and did not rise to the occasion so why care if they are angry instead of humbled? I haven’t seen them this mad since Reagan steamrolled the conservatives and won in spite of them. Now they act like they invented him. Time will tell if the same happens with Trump but I am certain of one thing, there is a new sheriff in town and he is here to speak for the majority that isn’t so silent after all. Obama told us to Bring it! Ok. We just did.

Let the chips fall where they may.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

2 thoughts on “Trump Win Fuels GOP Psychosis!

  1. Bravo Lynn! I know so many Cruz supporters that have forgotten what is at stake here in this election. They are so hurt that their candidate lost, it’s almost like they take it personally, an attack on their character that they have tuned out and shut down and now have the attitude of world be damned. These are smart and politically involved people, they weren’t born last night. I hope and pray that by November their wounds will heal and they will have a change of heart and join the rest of us in trying to get our country straightened out. I’m not saying I KNOW Trump will do this, there are many factors and it won’t be easy for him, but I feel his is our best and only hope at this point and I am willing to let him try.

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